Huge stretches of coral reef around the world are turning a ghostly white this year amid record warm ocean temperatures.
Earlier this month, the world officially entered its fourth — and probably worst — mass coral bleaching event in history, ...
Rising ocean temperatures are devastating coral reefs worldwide as Australia's Great Barrier Reef experiences its worst ...
Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world's colorful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in ...
The health of Caribbean reefs is under threat from a virulent disease known as Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) ...
Coral reefs have been described as the “rainforests of the ocean”. Which is why these two initiatives to try and preserve ...
A coral-killing disease spreading through the ocean waters touching a number of national parks is threatenening to upend the ...
Coral’s biological uniqueness and central role in sustaining other forms of life, including humans, are reasons enough to preserve it. And scientists are making extraordinary efforts, such as ...