The study focused on four genomes of filamentous Zygnematophyceae, which are the algal sisters of land plants.
The work makes it possible to tell the story of the fusion of genomes that gave rise to the world’s most consumed species, as ...
Study decodes Zygnema 'star algae' genome, revealing evolutionary steps of plants from water to land, aiding environmental ...
A new study reveals a genetic mechanism that determines the sex of butterflies, offering insights into evolution and ...
Zhang Yongzhen shared the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 with the world, speeding the development of vaccines.
Scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university ...
We now know just how the earliest land plants, ancient algae, conquered terrestrial Earth hundreds of millions of years ago ...
Why have bacteria never evolved complex multicellularity? A new hypothesis suggests that it could come down to how ...
A new study provides compelling evidence that genome-matched treatments can provide significant patient benefit.
A new prime editing sensor library targeting p53 mutations allowed scientists to interrogate thousands of tumor genotypes as they arose in endogenous contexts.
Land plants cover the surface of our planet and often tower over us. They form complex bodies with multiple organs that ...
People say "When pigs fly" to describe the impossible. But even if most mammals are landlubbers, the ability to glide or fly ...