The evolving nature of four challenges necessitates a shift toward anticipatory leadership, a model that prioritizes ...
How can artificial intelligence and the startups that develop it help solve some of humanity's greatest challenges?
If you continue to experience issues, please contact us at 202-466-1032 or Beckie Supiano writes about teaching, learning, and the human interactions that shape them. Follow her on ...
Yes, it’s a white-ish liquid. Beyond that, milk’s identity is hard to pin down. No one can define it, much less fully ...
Chairman of Federal Civil Service, FCSC, Prof Tunji Olaopa, has said the nation’s civil service, which is the hub of internal ...
The recent World Happiness Report revealed a shocking decline in happiness among today's youth. Teens are at midlife crisis levels of discontent. Adults need to create change.
Many cases of mental illness in Australia could be eradicated by targeting child maltreatment The impacts of doing nothing are devastating The staggering cost childhood maltreatment has on the mental ...
For years now, policymakers have sought an explanation for the mental health crisis among young people. Suicide attempts and psychiatric hospitalizations were rising even before the pandemic. Then the ...
Across the country, aquifers are vanishing as farms and cities drain groundwater that can take thousands of years to replenish. Here’s an inside look at how this crisis is unfolding in Kansas and what ...
The Northeast Florida nonprofit, which trains citizens to help individuals in crisis, relied mostly on county and state ...
China presents a paradox—a significant actor with direct interests and presence in the Red Sea, but one that has played a ...
"The inequality dimension was really shocking." Newly released study estimates potentially disastrous economic impact of climate crisis: 'It's devastating' first appeared on The Cool Down.