Monthly spending figures show the federal budget bottom-line in the nine months to March was running $4.1 billion ahead of ...
The published version of Forbes’ CEO newsletter delivers the latest news for today's and tomorrow's business leaders and ...
C apitol Hill powerbrokers came together to fund the government and pass a $95 billion foreign aid deal. Now some top lawmakers are opening the door a crack to another feat: boosting the Pentagon ...
Adam Andrzejewski is a trailblazer in the realm of government transparency, spearheading a project that has brought to light ...
Military spending around the world hit almost £2trillion in 2023 amid the Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Hamas conflict and ...
The Congressional Tri-Caucus has called on the Small Business Administration (SBA) to publish a complete version of federal ...
The US remains the world’s largest defense spender, outlaying $916 billion last year, a 2.3 percent annual increase, ahead of ...
Labour peer Lord Robertson of Port Ellen told the House of Lords that experts are questioning the Government’s £75 billion ...
China defended the veracity of its economic numbers and asserted its military spending was "transparent and reasonable", ...
Government borrowing was higher than forecast in the last financial year, according to official figures. Borrowing - the ...
India remains among the highly threatened nations. It has two hostile nuclear-armed neighbours, Pakistan and China, with the ...
Global military expenditure grew 7% to $2.43 trillion in 2023, the steepest annual rise since 2009 as international peace and ...