Walmart will close all of 51 of its health care centers across five states and end virtual care services, the company ...
More than $1 billion in state funding will head to Louisville, the largest city in Kentucky, to support education, health ...
Payne’s seat in a solidly Democratic district was previously held by his father, Rep. Donald Payne Sr., who died in 2012.
The move by the Supreme Court does not get to the underlying issue of restrictions on puberty blockers and hormone therapy ...
The responses by the state’s top elected officials to the pro-Palestinian protests at Emory on Thursday might as well have been a political litmus test.
Arizona takes step to repeal harsh abortion ban and state senate must still approve ...
Tennessee’s Republican-dominant Statehouse has approved a $52.8 billion spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year that ...
Conservative Supreme Court justices expressed skepticism Wednesday that federal law can require hospitals to provide emergency abortion care in states with strict bans on the procedure, marking the ...
My grandfather went to war, but coming back from war he was an ardent voice against war because of what he’d seen. My father ...
The Left has become adept at using various issues as a wedge to gain a political advantage with women voters. They have been ...