A former NYC employee has filed a class action lawsuit against the city for denying him and his partner in vitro ...
Michele Figueira alleged the school department discriminated based on her sexual orientation and retaliated when she reported ...
The school department agreed to pay $170,000 to Michele Figueira and $67,500 to her lawyers after she alleged the school discriminated against her for being gay.
A gay couple filed a class action lawsuit against New York City alleging the city’s health insurance plan is discriminatory ...
An Indiana gay rights group called for voters pulling Republican ballots to leave the top race blank in an electoral boycott.
A couple has filed a lawsuit against New York City alleging the city is violating the rights of gay men by denying IVF ...
Pride supporters said the flag makes the city appear welcoming, and refusing to fly it could deter residents and businesses.
The United Methodist Church, which stripped out its bans and related social teachings over the past two weeks, is the last of ...
The suit says straight couples and lesbians qualify for coverage, but gay male couples are routinely denied benefits in ...
The school department agreed to pay $197,500 to Michele Figueira and $67,500 to her lawyers after she alleged the school discriminated her for being gay.
We gathered brief quotes from 30-plus attendees at the inauguration of Garry W. Jenkins, everyone from Bates student waiters ...