Zika and other public health emergencies, effective communication of public health messages is crucial to control the spread of disease, maintain public trust, and encourage compliance with health ...
Clinical trials are constantly being designed and study participants enrolled to determine if medical treatments and therapies are safe and effective. Much has been written about the importance of ...
Maintaining a healthy weight is a cornerstone of overall well-being, but achieving and sustaining it often requires more than ...
Not surprisingly, researchers found that physical touch benefits our mental and physical health, particularly around sleep, ...
I was confused because the opportunities for me to use the internet to research my recent diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a ...
I’ve identified four strategies that I see at work in digital health companies doing well in this current market.
Rather than letting language get in the way, conservatives should begin to see programs such as SSI as sensible responses by ...
Last summer was the hottest ever recorded in the United States, and heat-related health emergencies also reached record-high ...
Neuriva and Prevagen are two of the more widely known brain supplements, natural nootropic options like Noocube and Brain ...
It is critical that the farm bill protect SNAP from harmful cuts and policy changes, including Chair Thompson’s proposal, ...
At SBM, we've long argued that chelation therapy for heart disease is quackery. An abstract presented recently finally ...
IT’S impossible to escape the hype around weight-loss jabs. Whether that be the wild before-and-after pictures flooding ...