The Republican Party is not always successful in bringing lawsuits, but the subjects are far-reaching, and their breadth is ...
As lawmakers weigh the bill, House Bill 1569, one national organization is gearing up to help voters should it become law.
Primary election day in Pennsylvania is Tu 23. It is a presidential election year, so voters will be picking the Democrat and ...
Morris' order left the remaining provisions of House Bill 892 intact, including criminal penalties for double voting.
The deadline to register to vote in Georgia's 2024 general primary is Monday, April 22. Then early voting starts next week ahead of election day on May 21.
ERIC reports that it has uncovered millions of outdated, duplicate or fraudulent voter registrations since 2012.
A federal judge ruled that Tennessee is violating federal law because its voter registration forms do not inform those with ...
Reality Check is a Star series holding those with power to account and shining a light on their decisions. Have a suggestion ...
Several Utah Republican county parties voted on Saturday to pass resolutions urging Utah’s top election officials and state ...
A federal judge has temporarily blocked a Montana law that appeared to require people to cancel previous voter registrations ...
The Biden and Trump campaigns have different voter outreach strategies in Nevada. Could that impact who wins the battleground ...
Read about Democrat Sia Kyriakakos and other candidates for Maryland’s 2nd Congressional District in Baltimore Sun Media’s voter guide.