A remarkable study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge proposes a dramatic shift in our understanding of human ...
A University of Melbourne researcher has spotted a rare evolutionary phenomenon happening rapidly in real time in bats living ...
The timing of flowers’ evolution is still a matter of debate between scientists, but most scientists are in one of two camps: ...
Once known only to those studying biology, the word symbiosis is now widely used. Symbiosis is the intimate relationship of ...
The Birth of the Nitroplast In an unprecedented discovery, researchers have documented a rare evolutionary leap where an ...
Deepwater coral specialist Andrea Quattrini’s new paper pins the origin of bioluminescence in corals to more than 500 million ...
The earliest dated example of bioluminescence in animals was believed to be roughly 267 million years ago in small marine ...
Create, thrive, and survive in an ever changing world in Adapt, a new Steam survival simulation game that asks you to master evolution.
The largest-ever tree of life for flowering plants has been constructed by sequencing the DNA of more than 9,500 species, ...
So when those niches got filled, something drove even more species to emerge.” The ability to adapt behavior, she explained, such as using tools or fire, or adopting new hunting techniques, may have ...
With their own botanical collection material and their research knowledge on the evolution of cruciferous plants (plants of ...
Keep reading to uncover the quirky secrets of the animal kingdom, like why giraffes have those hilariously long necks and how ...