New US school meal standards announced Wednesday will limit the amount of added sugars for the first time and slightly reduce ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Wednesday updated nutrition standards for school meals that limit added sugars ...
New nutrition guidelines will soon change how much sugar and salt are in school lunches across the United States in an effort ...
Many parents and nutritionists applauded stricter federal regulations, but food companies say the changes could increase ...
Obestity among children in the united states is rising. With one in five tipping the scales as overweight.With many children ...
Sugar. Added sugars will be limited in phases, with full implementation by fall 2027. Phase 1 will put limits in high-sugar ...
Wisconsin students will be back on the pre-pandemic school lunch system where families will have to apply to get free or ...
Elementary school cafeterias will be allowed to continue serving flavored milk such as chocolate and strawberry, the U.S.
School lunches have come a long way from square pizza and fish sticks, and students across the board are benefiting from ...
JCPS said any questions not answered during the meeting will be answered and posted on a FAQ page on the district's website.
California has spent more than $3 billion on career pathways in recent years as high school students seek more options.
INDIANA—The US Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service announced Wednesday that new US school meal standards ...