Book Sale, Amazon Kindle
Kobo’s ad-free Elipsa 2E is my favorite e-reader for taking notes, namely because it offers features its biggest rival — the ...
With summer approaching and classes wrapping up, book lovers across campus, including myself, are looking forward to having ...
Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times.
Are these #BookTok books really worth the hype? There's only one way to find out, so head over to Target now and pick up your next page turner.
Her third book in three years, "This Summer Will Be Different", sweeps readers away to a new Canadian vacation spot.
Speranza and Hagen recommend connecting with others who like the same types of books you do. “Follow bookstagrammers to see ...
In other words, young people who don’t identify as readers are reading books at a higher rate than their generational ...
WAPAKONETA, OH (WLIO) - A community organization is making sure that everyone has books to read, regardless of their ...