The low water levels that choked cargo traffic were more closely tied to the natural climate cycle than to human-caused ...
It's one of the most significant droughts we've seen,” an LCRA official said. “We are at a point now where discretionary ...
Eastern time, the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) publishes a map of drought conditions across the United States. Established in ...
Most of Kansas is in a drought. It ranges, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center, from areas that are ...
Around 6,200 BCE, the climate changed. Global temperatures dropped, sea levels rose and the southern Levant, including modern ...
The old sunken town has reemerged as sweltering heat and drought dry up the reservoir, revealing the remnants of a place ...
As drought becomes a more regular occurrence, a new study looks at the U.S. Drought Monitor, the nation’s preeminent drought ...
In the past week, multiple brush fires have been reported in Palm Bay, located in Brevard County. Scorched areas of vegetation, with lingering hot spots, remain visible.
There is no longer a drought in Benton, Sherburne, or Stearns County. However, about 11% of Benton and roughly 13% of Stearns ...
As Mexico’s drought drags on, angry subsistence farmers have begun taking direct action against thirsty avocado orchards and ...
Statistics Canada says drought throughout much of Canada led to a 12.5 per cent year-over-year drop in hydroelectric ...
PANO - Due to hot weather, saltwater intrusion and prolonged drought, the sources of water for daily life and irrigation ...