Did you know you can keep your home clean by only lifting a finger? This isn’t magic or science fiction—it’s what happens ...
To mark International Dance Day, Boston Dynamics has shared a video showing its Spot robot dressed as a dog and pulling some ...
With robot fins and a tail, the clown fish will swim around and test different areas of the water. It's a lot bigger than ...
Civilian, military and technology officials from more than 100 countries convened Monday in Vienna to discuss how their ...
Simultaneous revolutions in creating AI-enhanced space robots and in spaceflight with SpaceX's super-advanced Titan-size ...
Grab a super powerful and intelligent robot vacuum from Samsung for $400 off and have the cleanest home possible for less.
University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers have constructed a robot that uses machine learning to fully automate a ...
The robots will not come close to bringing in the kind of money Tesla’s cars do, and experts said it’s a long shot as to ...
A new robot at Sharp Hospital in San Diego lets doctors "feel" the patient as they operate from a console. It also makes ...
HERO-BLUE is a proof-of-concept robot, measuring 31.5 inches by 23.6 inches by 11.8 inches and weighing 24.9 pounds. It’s ...
Sharp Memorial Hospital is the first medical center in San Diego County to use the new da Vinci 5 robot to aid in robotic ...
Robot vacuums have gotten so advanced that they can clean your floors exceptionally well, and my favorite robot vacuum to ...