A dog show will provide fun for the whole family – and there will even be a giant inflatable obstacle course for youngsters.
An art group will be ending the season with its final talk this week. The Arts Society Lynn will reach its last talk of the ...
A group of stroke survivors who attended local art therapy workshops have thanked staff at a hospital by donating their ...
A picturesque pub which overlooks the Great River Ouse has been put up for sale - and is valued at nearly £700,000.
Grimston Cricket Club made their return to Saturday Cricket after a 14-year absence against Downham Stow 4ths.
It was all change at the recent King’s Lynn Festival Coffee Concert when, due to illness the advertised recital, to be performed by The Kleio String Quartet, was at the last minute changed to a ...
As a classical music enthusiast, I appreciated meeting Peter Barker recently who is the chair of Classical Music Rocks (CMR).
The construction of a new supermarket in town has moved a step closer after permission to put up signs and billboards was granted.
As more young people turn to basic, internet-less phones to address their screen addiction, our reporter tried on a “dumb phone” for size.
A village church devastated by fire five years ago is to be renovated despite objections that the work will lead to the “desecration” of graves.
A 35-year-old decided to assault a husband and wife after they walked in front of his car - but now has more than £1,000 to pay in court fees.
Action for Ryston Runners moved off-road on Saturday where Becky Taylor made her mark on the Dukeries 30-mile race in Sherwood Forest.