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  1. Copilot Answer
    Formula (repeating unit)PbAl₃(AsO₄)(SO₄)(OH)₄
    IMA symbolHid
    Strunz classification8.BL.05

    Hidalgoite was collected from a quartz vein at the Zimapán mining area after which it was examined by Smith in the laboratories. Hidalgoite structure departs from the other beaudantite group members in the ion substitutions; … See more


    The structure of Hidalgoite is a complex structure consisting of a monovalent cation, a tri valent cation and two almost equal anion groups. The hidalgoite structure is different from other members of the beaudantit… See more

    Physical properties

    Hidalgoite is usually seen as light gray to dark gray colors but other variety of colors are seen to include rich shades of green, some dark reds and very rarely yellow. Hidalgoite minerals are characterized with a white strea… See more

    Geologic occurrence

    The occurrences of hidalgoite have been seen across many continents from South America to Africa. It was initially discovered between large bodies of quartz dike as a white porous substance alongside other sulfates bu… See more

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