Hearing aid donation allows Lancaster man to reconnect with family and secure his job

Barrett Lawlis
Lancaster Eagle-Gazette

LANCASTER — For Lancaster resident Jerry Koehler, 50, hearing loss has been an issue for nearly 20 years, gradually getting worse.

Jerry Koehler, right, and his wife Ashley check out his new hearing aid, donated by the Miracle Ear Foundation, on Dec. 30. The hearing aids will help Jerry keep his commercial driver's license.

Besides threatening his job, the loss had also put a strain on his home life, causing tension between his wife and four children.

In December, Koehler received two hearing aids thanks to the Miracle Ear Foundation, and he's said it's already made a huge difference for his family and his job.

MEF's Gift of Sound program helps children and adults with hearing loss gain access to hearing aids. The program is designed for people who demonstrate a personal inability to financially provide for their hearing health needs.

Koehler said he's known about his hearing loss since 2003, but they're expensive, so he'd held off getting any. Then, there was a renewed sense of urgency to find a solution, as an exam to keep his commercial driver's license was coming in January.

"My wife stays with the kids, I'm the sole breadwinner in our family. That job is all we have to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I needed to make sure I could pass the examination, but the biggest concern over my hearing was the lack of communication with my family," Koehler said. "It's caused some strain recently. I have to ask my wife to repeat herself, and I have to ask what the kids have said. They've felt ignored and frustrated to have to repeat themselves so often."

Koehler said they'd seen a flier advertising for affordable hearing aids, and had visited the Miracle Ear office in Lancaster. He was told the advertised hearing aids wouldn't work with his condition, but the technician helped Koehler apply for the Gift of Sound program.

"That visit was on Dec. 18, and I was able to get the hearing aids on Dec. 30. It was miraculous. Without the hearing aids, my hearing was at maybe 20%, but with them, it instantly jumped to 60%, and it's been so much better," he said. "I can't really hear the higher register, or consonants. I had sort of trained myself to read lips, but that meant I had to be facing whoever I was talking to."

"Now, I don't even need the subtitles on the TV anymore, and things can only get better from here."

Mike Gedeon, an operations manager with Miracle Ear and a franchisee, said the benefits the Koehlers have experienced so far is exactly why the Gift of Sound is so important.

"Unlike other disabilities or impairments, hearing loss can be very subtle. It's something that can take years to notice, and can't be corrected instantly. For Jerry, correcting his hearing loss was critical, because he's got a family to support and his job depends on his hearing," Gedeon said. "It was amazing to be able to help him and his family, when they've got so much on the line. And especially with his impairment affecting his relationship with his kids, it had to be crushing to them to think their dad was ignoring them, when he actually just couldn't hear them."

That's the mission of the Gift of Sound, Gedeon said, connecting people who need assistance to hear that may not be able to afford it. He explained everyone's needs are different, so the right solution for one person may not cost the same for someone else.

"So there is criteria people need to meet, like income and financial need. Fixing hearing loss can definitely be cost prohibitive, and unlike vision aids like glasses, it takes time to get used to hearing aids. It's a rehabilitative process to get the most out of them," Gedeon said.

He explained that the foundation will also help Koehler with future treatment and maintenance of his hearing aids.

"That's one thing people may not know, that the after care is included with the gift of the hearing aids, for life. Just like with glasses, prescriptions to correct hearing needs updating, and there's also general wear and tear as well," Gedeon said.

For Koehler, being able to hear his family again, as well as being secure to get his certification, is "huge."

"Right off the rip, my hearing got so much better. It's already turned things around at home and on the job. During the fitting, I broke down. I couldn't believe it. I am so grateful for the help we've gotten, plus all the other people who have been helped over the years. There's no way they didn't feel as grateful as I have," he said. "I'm really looking forward to a good weekend, with good weather, to be able to go enjoy the outdoors. I haven't been able to enjoy nature for so long, and now it's something I can look forward to sharing with my kids as they grow up."

Barrett Lawlis is a reporter with the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette. You can share story ideas or comments with him at 740-681-4342 or send an e-mail to blawlis@gannett.com. Follow him on Twitter @BarrettLawlis