(WIAT & CNN) Some common heartburn and acid reflux medicine may be contaminated with a cancer-causing impurity.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the drug Zantac and it’s generic contain small amounts of a substance known as NDMA.

NDMA is an environmental contaminant found in water and foods, including meats, dairy products, and vegetables. It is classified as a probable human carcinogen.

It is the same probably carcinogen that prompted a July recall of several blood pressure medications.

An FDA Spokeswoman says the discovery is not prompting a recall at this time, and people should not panic. But the agency says it is a good idea to switch to another over the counter drug.

Those on a prescription version should talk to their doctor or pharmacist.

For more information visit: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/statement-alerting-patients-and-health-care-professionals-ndma-found-samples-ranitidine