


Toccoa Falls College


Pet Insurance, Pet Health, Dog Training, Food, Wellness


  • Has years of experience with dog training, pet health, and other related topics.
  • Writes regularly for pet publications such as the PetFirst Pet Insurance blog and Just Labs Magazine.
  • Works as a full-time freelance writer and content marketer


A lifelong animal lover, Hailey Hudson has years of experience with dog training, pet health, and other related topics. Vet school was her plan for many years, but Hailey ended up forging a career in her other passion—writing.

Now Hailey works as a full-time freelance writer and content marketer. She covers pet health and dog training topics for clients, such as the PetFirst Pet Insurance blog, Just Labs Magazine, and B2B trade publication Pet Product News. Hailey lives and works north of Atlanta, Georgia and currently has one cat.



 Hailey is a former student at both Toccoa Falls College and Truett McConnell University.

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