High cholesterol levels have been known to wreak havoc to one’s health. Many studies have shown that the risk of individuals to suffer from a heart attack or a stroke is higher when cholesterol levels are high. This makes it imperative for individuals to lower cholesterol. You can do this with the help of some supplements.

With the busy lifestyle of so many people today, cholesterol levels often become neglected. Many individuals go about not minding their cholesterol until it is already too late.

According to Express’ report, a high cholesterol level is dangerous to your health, but some supplements could help you lower it. When these supplements are taken, your risk of suffering from a heart attack, as well as a stroke, is likewise reduced.


Niacin is one of the essential supplements that could help lower cholesterol levels. Niacin is one of the essential B vitamins, and doctors have been suggesting this vitamin to their patients with high cholesterol.

Supplements that help in lowering blood cholesterol
Supplements that help in lowering blood cholesterol Pixabay

Niacin works by increasing the good cholesterol of the body. This also helps in reaching triglycerides. The latter is among those “bad fats” that contribute to the clogging of arteries.

Some foods that could be excellent sources of niacin include chicken and liver. You can also find this vitamin in supplements. Make sure that you enjoy 16 milligrams of niacin if you’re male. For females, the recommended amount is 14 milligrams.

While niacin has been proven to lower cholesterol, there have been some warnings against taking it in supplement form. Reports of side effects like itching of the skin and nausea have surfaced. Thus, it is highly recommended that one should only take niacin supplements if a physician has recommended it.


If you are fond of eating foods that have ginger as an ingredient, then you may already be taking the right steps in lowering your cholesterol. Ginger has anti-oxidative characteristic s. Ginger is considered to be a hypolipidemic agent. This was tested on rabbits that were fed with cholesterol.

The US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health has studied the effects of ginger on cholesterol. It found that by consuming ginger, insulin sensitivity is improved. C-reactive Protein (CRP) is also improved in patients that have Type 2 diabetes. It likewise lowered lipids in the body.

While these supplements may help in lowering cholesterol, it is still advised that you try to lose extra pounds and stop smoking. Limiting trans fats consumption is also linked to lowering cholesterol levels.