The founder and CEO of Bruce Foods in New Iberia was recently inducted into the Hot Sauce Hall of Fame in New York City.

Si Brown, founder and CEO of Bruce Foods Corporation, was named as the trailblazer behind hot sauce as we know it today.

The New York City 6th annual Hot Sauce Exposition united innovators from across the country to share their ideas and passion for the hot sauce industry. Si brown was inducted into the Hall of Fame and received the Hall of Fame ring and crested blazer for his use of all-natural ingredients to create the ‘Originial’ Louisiana Hot Sauce. Brown says the industry has grown tremendously, providing more employment and business opportunities.

“What’s really fun about the industry now is the fact that people have gotten to know what hot sauce is. They know more about hot sauce. And they’re ready to experiment with new flavors and taste. That’s what I find the most interesting is the opportunity to innovate,” said Brown.

Si Brown has been president and CEO of Bruce Foods since 1973 and is currently serving as Chairman of the Board of Advisors of the John Folse Culinary Institute at Nichols State University and is a member of the Board of Pennington Research Foundation, Baton Rouge Louisiana, the Advisory Council of Louisiana Ports and Waterways and is a Vice President of the Evangeline Area Council Boy Scouts of America.  Mr. Brown has a long history of expertise in International Business and has served on numerous National and Statewide committees. 

He has served three terms as Chairman of the Louisiana Export Council operating under the auspices of the US Department of Commerce, Washington DC and was appointed in 1986 by US Secretary of Commerce, Malcolm Baldridge to serve as a member of the Industry Sector Advisory Committee on US Trade Policy Matters, Washington DC and reappointed to serve two additional terms under Commerce Secretaries Verity and Mosbacher. 

He has also served as a member of the Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Processed Foods, US Department of Agriculture, Washington DC and as the Honorary Council General of Brazil for Louisiana.

For more information about Bruce Foods, visit