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By permission from The Great Courses, Writers Forum will present Saturday, Nov. 10 an opportunity to view two 30-minute video sessions from Professor Jane Friedman’s Course No. 2553: How to Publish Your Book.

In “The Self-Publishing Path: When and How” Friedman discusses the value of publishers, then reviews scenarios in which authors may not need those benefits. She shares invaluable advice on steps to take to self-publish, and tools for success.

In “Principles of Self-Publishing Success” Friedman helps writers understand metadata and the vital role it plays in positioning a self-published book for success. She examines pricing models to attract a large audience that is hesitant to purchase from an unknown and offers tips to garner reviews that help self-published books get noticed.

Friedman is the former publisher and editorial director of Writer’s Digest. She lectures on publishing at the University of Virginia and is a regular columnist for Publishers Weekly and an adviser to The Alliance of Independent Authors.

Friedman has published two books for writers: Beginning Writer’s Answer Book and Publishing 101: A First-Time Author’s Guide to Getting Published, Marketing and Promoting Your Book, and Building a Successful Career.

For more about Friedman and The Great Courses, visit or https://www.thegreatcourses. com/professors/jane-friedman/.

Writers Forum meets from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. monthly, except July and August, in the All Saints Episcopal Church Memorial Hall Room, at 2150 Benton Drive, Redding. Doors open at 10 a.m. The public is welcome to get acquainted with two free visits before joining. Annual membership dues are $25.

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