Smart pants to make you turn off your phone and turn on your lover

The intelligent underpants are fitted with a microchip
The intelligent underpants are fitted with a microchip

Electronic underwear designed to nudge smartphone-fixated young Germans into having more sex has sold out within weeks.

The €25 contraption consists of a pair of boxer shorts and a pair of knickers, both in a garish shade of hot pink and each containing a microchip that slots into a pocket at the back.

Each partner pairs their “intelligent” underpants with an app on their lover’s phone by waggling the chip in the vicinity of the device. Whenever one feels that the other is dedicating too much attention to slandering strangers on Twitter or watching YouTube videos of roller-skating monkeys rather than lovemaking, all they have to do is put on the garment and sidle up to within a five-metre radius of the object of their