If you are actually flying from Dallas, TX, United States to Hong Kong, China or if you are just curious to know the flight time between Dallas, TX and Hong Kong, this page will give you the information you are looking for.

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Dallas, TX
Hong Kong

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong is 16 hours 50 minutes

Non-Stop flight duration from DFW to HKG is 16 hours 50 minutes (Operated by Cathay Pacific)

The nearest airport to Dallas, TX, is Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and the nearest airport to Hong Kong, is Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)

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Distance from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong is approximately 13060 kilometers.

Flights from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong • Airlines & Flight Duration

Flights operated by major airlines departing from Dallas, TX arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Hong Kong is served by 1 international airports.

Airline & Journey Duration
Cathay Pacific
16 hrs 50 mins
American Airlines
17 hrs 5 mins
Cathay Pacific
17 hrs 5 mins
American Airlines
17 hrs 5 mins

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong via Abu Dhabi • DFW to HKG via AUH

Flight duration from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport via Abu Dhabi International Airport, United Arab Emirates on Etihad Airways flight is 24 hours 25 minutes

Etihad Airways DFW to AUH
15 hrs
 Waiting Time
2 hrs
7 hrs 25 mins
Total Duration:
24 hrs 25 mins

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong via Toronto • DFW to HKG via YYZ

Flight duration from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Hong Kong International Airport via Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Canada on Air Canada flight is 42 hours 25 minutes

Air Canada DFW to YYZ
2 hrs 56 mins
 Waiting Time
23 hrs 34 mins
15 hrs 55 mins
Total Duration:
42 hrs 25 mins

How long does it take to fly from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong?

Non-stop flight time from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong is around 17 hours 15 minutes.

Fastest one-stop flight between Dallas, TX and Hong Kong takes close to 19 hours . However, some airlines could take as long as 44 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

This is the average non-stop flight time from Dallas, TX to Hong Kong.

Apparently, connecting flights and direct flights with stopover take longer time than non-stop flights. In such cases, Dallas, TX - Hong Kong flight time depend on the layover destination specified by your airline or the one you choose while booking your ticket.

Waiting time at intermediate airports could be anywhere between 19 hrs to 44 hrs .

Flight time from Dallas, TX, United States to airports near Hong Kong, China

Direct flight and one stop flight time from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Dallas, TX to airports nearest to Hong Kong is given in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
DFW - CAN Guangzhou, New Baiyun Airport 29 hrs 40 mins 1 Stop
DFW - SZX Shenzhen, Shenzhen Airport 25 hrs 1 Stop

Airlines operating flights between Dallas, TX and Hong Kong

  • American Airlines
  • Alaska Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines
  • United Airlines

Dallas, TX time is 13 hours behind Hong Kong

Current time in Dallas, TX, United States : Thu, 25 Apr, 2024,
Dallas, TX Timezone: CDT (-05:00)

06:51 PM

Current time in Hong Kong, China :, Fri, 26 Apr, 2024,
Hong Kong Timezone: HKT (+08:00)

07:51 AM

DFW to HKG Flight - Dallas, TX Airport to Hong Kong Airport Flight Route Map

Location of Dallas, TX Airport & Hong Kong Airport is given below. Click the map to view Dallas, TX to Hong Kong flight path and travel direction.

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