
Learn to play the guitar from home with these expert-led classes

You’ve got all the makings of a guitarist. Love music? Check. Passionate about learning a new skill? Got it. Heck, you even have a guitar in your home. The only thing missing is the knowledge on how to actually strum chords, place your fingers in the precise spots on the fretboard, and read sheet music.

To overcome that hurdle, you have two options: opt for expensive and regular in-person lessons or go the virtual route. Spoiler alert: We’re big fans of the latter.

Virtual music lessons allow students to do their training at their own pace and around their own schedule. Plus, they tend to be a much more wallet-friendly alternative to private classes. For example, The Complete Guitar Master Class Bundle, a digital master class that covers the fundamental techniques needed to play the guitar (and well), is currently on sale for $29.99.

This collection is comprised of seven key courses, including lessons on guitar strumming, mastering the fretboard, fingerpicking techniques, and rock guitar riffs, which are bundled together for the primary goal of getting novices confident enough to play full songs on the guitar.

These lessons are so effective, in fact, that seasoned players can find value in them, too. As one current student notes, “I am turning into a guitar player! I have been playing for 22 years, professionally as a singer/songwriter for 10, but just now am beginning to say that I can actually play.” Even better is that unlike traditional in-person lessons, students have 24/7, lifetime access to all of the lectures in the bundle as a reference.

And who knows, by the end of the 256 lectures presented in The Complete Guitar Master Class Bundle you might finally become a full-blown musician…or at the very least an accomplished enough player to impress your friends and family. Either way, it seems worth the price.

Currently, The Complete Guitar Master Class Bundle is on sale for $29.99 (compared to its original price of $1,393).

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