Curtis Honeycutt

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I’m a proud “word nerd.” I love words; I collect them like baseball cards. I like weird words, wonky words, witty words and even a handful of Welsh words (fun fact: the word for “carrot” in Welsh is “moron”). As a person prone to collecting things, I hoard words like a doomsday prepper stashes toilet paper. Is it an illness? Probably. But it’s cheaper than golf.

Do you bow down at the altar of epeolatry? If so, you worship words. I promise you’re not the only adherent to this phonetic pastime. Other words for word-worship are “grammatolatry” and “verbolatry.” While I’m not qualified to dole out spiritual advice, your words have the power to give life or to take it from someone. Even when anonymous or over social media, your words can either make someone’s day or make them miserable.

—Curtis Honeycutt is a syndicated humor columnist. He is the author of Good Grammar is the Life of the Party: Tips for a Wildly Successful Life. Find more at

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