How Do Workouts Affect Your Bone Health?

exercise and boneIt’s often advised to exercise and maintain a healthy weight to keep your bones strong. But have you ever wondered what the best workout is to ward off osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures?

To uncover the best way to maintain bone health, the researchers investigated a group of people who only worked on weight loss, another worked on weight loss and resistance exercise, and the third did weight loss and aerobic exercise training. The weight loss goal for all three groups was seven to 10 percent.


Resistance training and aerobic training was conducted four times a week. CT scans, blood tests, bone mineral density measurement, and demographic data were all obtained at baseline, six months later, 18 months, and there was a 30-month follow-up.

The weight loss group has an average reduction of -5.7 kg, weight loss and resistance training had an average of -10.1 kg, and weight loss and aerobic -9.9 kg.

Lumbar spine density decreased in the weight loss and aerobic group, but not the other two groups. After 30 months, all groups gained weight, with the weight loss only group gaining the most. Lumbar spine density increased in the weight loss and weight loss and resistance training groups after 30 months.

Additional research is required to determine the long-term effects of weight loss and resistance training on hip bone density and overall bone density even with weight gain.

The researchers concluded that resistance and aerobic training did not prevent bone loss due to weight loss in older adults who were obese and had either or both metabolic and cardiovascular disease, but resistance training was found to have some long-term benefits on bone health.

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Author Bio

Devon Andre has been involved in the health and dietary supplement industry for a number of years. Devon has written extensively for Bel Marra Health. He has a Bachelor of Forensic Science from the University of Windsor, and went on to complete a Juris Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh. Devon is keenly aware of trends and new developments in the area of health and wellness. He embraces an active lifestyle combining diet, exercise and healthy choices. By working to inform readers of the options available to them, he hopes to improve their health and quality of life.


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