NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — It’s no longer recommended to send students home for lice, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.

State officials cite the Centers for Disease Control, which says kids diagnosed with head lice don’t have to be sent home from school. The American Pediatric Association also echoes this view, citing the amount of school students were missing.

According to the New York State School Boards Association, there are three reasons for not sending kids with lice home:

  1. It is not uncommon for a child to be misdiagnosed as having lice. Dandruff and hair products are frequently misidentified as lice.
  2. By the time a child is found to have a head lice infestation, peers have already been exposed; keeping the child home is pointless.
  3. And, there is no evidence that keeping a child with nits or lice out of school prevents other children from becoming infested.

Experts say parents are encouraged to check their child’s head weekly for lice, under natural sunlight is best.