Stop snoring with these lifestyle changes

Stop snoring with these lifestyle changes
The recurrent vibrations caused by snoring can lead to injuries in the upper airways of people who snore heavily. © Shutterstock

Snoring can be an embarrassing condition that can frustrate your loved ones. But you an easily manage this with a few lifestyle changes.

Written by Paras Hemrajani |Published : November 8, 2019 3:24 PM IST

You must have seen the special anti-snoring pillows that were shown on late-night tele- commercials. If you bought any, you may have probably ended up snoring and with a neck pain. Snoring refers to the harsh sound that a person makes while sleeping. It is not dangerous or an indicator of any medical condition. In fact, everyone snores now or then. But some people are chronic snorers.

According to experts, snoring occurs when air clashes with our tissues in the throat, making them vibrate as we breathe. There are certain medical instruments available in the market that claim to reduce snoring. But they are very expensive and also unnecessary. Simple lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and avoiding alcohol, can reduce the severity of this condition.


There is not one but multiple reasons that can make a person snore at night. Sleeping relaxes the tissues in your mouth, tongue and throat. These relaxed tissues often move from their natural tight position and start blocking the airways. This is what causes snoring. This is the reason why you may snore more if you are very tired. Rest after a long hard day gives these tissues the much-needed relaxation. In addition to physical stress, there are various other conditions that can cause snoring.

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Alcohol consumption

Alcohol can relax your throat muscle, which can cause disruption in your airways.

Mouth anatomy

An elongated uvula can cause disruption in your airways and make snoring worse. A low, thick, soft palate, common in overweight people, can narrow the airways and increase the vibration. An improper partition between the nostrils may also contribute to snoring.

Sleep position

How you sleep determines the amount of air you are breathing in. Sleeping on the back causes loud snoring as more air enters the body and gravity narrows the airway. Also, lying on your back makes the base of your tongue and soft palate drop down towards the back wall of your throat. This produces a vibrating sound as it interacts with air when you sleep.


The idea behind these quick fixes is to reduce the intake to dust and other common irritants that can cause snoring. Having said that, of course, the first step to preventing snoring is to not let your dog or any other animal sleep in your bed. Allergic reaction to animal dander can cause chronic snoring. It is advised that you puff up your pillow before sleeping and change it every six months. Here are a few other tips that will help you reduce your snoring.

Stay well hydrated

Drinking of fluids makes the secretion in your nose smoother. This can reduce the chances of snoring. According to the Institute of Medicine, women who drink 11 cups of water daily are less likely to snore. The same goes for men who drink around 16 cups of water.

Avoid alcohol

It is advised that you should stop drinking four to five hours before sleeping. Alcohol can affect the muscles in the back of your throat and make your snoring worse. Drinking too much can also affect your sleep and make you tired. This can make your muscles weak, which could lead to snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Open nasal passages

Congestion in your nose can make your nasal airways narrow. As the nasal airways become narrow, the air will start rushing in. This can aggravate your snoring. To avoid this situation, you may take a hot shower before you go to sleep. This will open-up your nasal congestion. Nasal strips and Neti pot can also help.

Change sleep position

As mentioned before, sleeping on your back can make you snore more whereas sleeping on your sides can effectively stop you from doing so. But the problem is that sleep doesn't allow a person to have control on his movements. To keep sleeping on your side, you may start using a body pillow. This supports your entire body and not just the head. Along with sleeping on your side, you can also elevate your head when you sleep. This will reduce the amount of air entering your body and decrease your chances of snoring. It could, however, increase the risk of neck pain.

Lose weight

While many people say that snoring has nothing to do with weight, it is not true. Fat people are more likely to snore than thin people. This is because overweight people have an extra mass around their neck, which presses over the internal diametre of the throat. This interferes with the smooth flow of air in and out of the body. Hence, it can trigger snoring. Losing weight may help you to solve your problem of snoring.

Use a humidifier

Dry air in your room can make your throat and nasal membranes dry. This restricts the airflow and causes vibration in throat tissues. As dry air irritates your nose and throat membrane, your snoring increase. If you or your partner are prone to snoring, then use a humidifier to keep the room air moist.

Throat exercise

This is basically an advice primarily focused on elderly people. As a person grows older, the muscle tone of the throat decreases. Since you cannot stop the process of ageing, you must practice throat exercises, such as repeating each vowel, singing, moving jaw left and right and counting teeth with tongue, before going to bed. These exercises will open your airways and help you to prevent your snoring.