
Four questions to Léa Salamé

Hardworking, direct and a journalistic legend, Léa Salamé is the French media's ubiquitous face this fall. Already at the helm of 'L'Emission politique on France 2, Salamé has one more challenge to face this season with her latest production, the magazine Stupéfiant - an attempt to reconcile culture and television once more. Get to know the star of the small screen in four questions.
lea salame l'emission politique france 2 stupefiant interview culture vogue paris
If you had to interview any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be? David Bowie. That would have been my biggest dream. Ever since I was 14 years old he's been there in my love life, my saddest times and happiest moments - I loved everything about him. What do you like to read? Or precisely, what do you re-read? Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire. Climats by André Maurois, which I first read at 15, is one of the most beautiful novels on the nature of love. I reread it last summer when I spotted it on my mother's bedside table in Beyrouth and got just as much pleasure out of it the second time. Céline was my first big love affair with literature - I've read all of his work, even the pamphlets. Perhaps surprisingly, the book I reread the most is the Bible, it has everything. Photography: Ward Ivan Rafik for Vogue ParisStyling: Célia Azoulay

lea salame l'emission politique france 2 stupefiant interview culture vogue paris

If you had to interview any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?

David Bowie. That would have been my biggest dream. Ever since I was 14 years old he's been there in my love life, my saddest times and happiest moments - I loved everything about him.

What do you like to read? Or precisely, what do you re-read?

Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire. Climats by André Maurois, which I first read at 15, is one of the most beautiful novels on the nature of love. I reread it last summer when I spotted it on my mother's bedside table in Beyrouth and got just as much pleasure out of it the second time. Céline was my first big love affair with literature - I've read all of his work, even the pamphlets. Perhaps surprisingly, the book I reread the most is the Bible, it has everything.

Photography: Ward Ivan Rafik for Vogue Paris
Styling: Célia Azoulay

lea salame l'emission politique france 2 stupefiant interview culture vogue paris

What book, film or album would you recommend to the next French president?

I'd say listen to Chico Buarque to relax. I'd recommend Houellebecq to read, because he has some interesting things to say about the death of the Western white man and you can't go wrong with the Iliad and the Odyssey.

How about a film? We haven't spoken much about cinema.

It’s a question of taste, but I would say something about the links between sex and power, so Visconti's The Damned. Oh dear, I feel like I've forgotten something here - I don't want to mess up for a future President...

France Inter, L'invité de 7h50**, every day.**
France 2, Stupéfiant**, Wednesday late evenings and** L'émission politique**, every other Thursday.**
GQ**, La Grande Interview, every month.**

Photography: Ward Ivan Rafik pour Vogue Paris
Styling: Célia Azoulay