Nottingham Trent University fights corner for unconditional offers

Students with unconditional offers did much better in their final exams
Students with unconditional offers did much better in their final exams

A university has published its data on unconditional offers to defend the practice with the figures showing that giving students a “free pass” has no impact on their academic performance.

Nottingham Trent University has now urged other establishments to do the same and fight their corner against the government, regulators and head teachers who want them to stop.

It gave “conditional unconditional” offers to just under half of its applicants in 2018-19. These are the most controversial type as they mean students have to make the university their firm choice before they can make use of them. The Office for Students has likened that to pressure selling. Nottingham Trent makes these offers only to applicants with predicted A levels of two grades higher than its