Language partnership offering classes this winter

Native Spanish, English speakers can pair up to learn language

Carolyn Muyskens
The Holland Sentinel

HOLLAND — A program that pairs English and Spanish speakers to learn each other's native tongues is starting up this winter after a COVID-19 hiatus.

The Reciprocal Language Partnership is a resource for adult language learners and a way to foster multi-cultural connections. Started in 2002 by Amy Devanney, the program has helped hundreds in the Holland area to make gains in understanding another language and culture.

The 12-week program consists of weekly classes with an experienced English and Spanish teacher, taught fully in the target language, interspersed with time for language partners to practice with each other.

The Reciprocal Language Partnership helps Spanish and English speakers learn each other's languages. Classes start in February.

The program is hosted at a church, Eagle's Wings Church (Iglesia Alas de Águila), that holds bilingual worship services in English and Spanish.

Participants are sorted into three class levels based on language ability, and the program focuses on improving conversation ability.

"This is a safe place to be able to practice language," said Rachel Patmos, administrative pastor. "We have people of all ages and stages and walks of life, from young moms that are trying to help their kids with homework to somebody who is wanting to know how to better speak with their work supervisor.

"We want to be able to equip them with the phrases and words that they need to be able to have those important conversations: how to talk about a raise, how to talk to the doctor, how to ask the questions that they need to. And on the English speaking side, there's a lot of people who want to build a bridge with their neighbors."

The relationship doesn't have to end when the class ends, either, Patmos said. Some language partners keep meeting to practice their skills or continue a friendship.

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"The desire is to be able to teach language, but also culture, and just to build bridges between community members," Patmos said. "We've had people that have had just great relationships built because of being paired."

This semester of classes is contingent on the level of COVID-19 transmission in the community when classes start in February and the number of sign-ups.

To register, attendance at one of two informational meetings is mandatory. The meetings are 6:15 p.m. for native English speakers and 7:15 p.m. for native Spanish speakers on Tuesday, Jan. 18 and Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Eagle's Wings Church, 635 Riley St., Holland.

Classes are 6:15 to 8 p.m. Tuesday nights, Feb. 1 through April 26.

— Contact reporter Carolyn Muyskens at cmuyskens@hollandsentinel.com and follow her on Twitter at @cjmuyskens