This Atlanta Entrepreneur Spent Her Own Hard-Earned Coins But Folks Are Upset For Some Odd Reason

A TikTok user posted a video showing her followers how much money she spends in 24 hours, and the amount has a lot of folks raising their eyebrows, Narcity reports.

The user, entrepreneur and content creator Summer Reign Henning, posted a “day in the life” video on July 28. In the video, she gives viewers an inside look into her routine and spending habits, including the cost of her grocery delivery ($307), custom Louis Vuitton luggage ($5,050) and an impromptu flight ($1,729).

In total, she spent $8,627 over the course of the day.

Some people were inspired by Henning’s bank account and spending habits.

“Soon I’m going to be able to do this as well,” a user wrote in the comments of the video.

“I’m trying to get like you, what do I need to do,” one inspired viewer commented.

“Chile you spent my monthly expenses in a day,” another added. “Claiming it!!”

One user noted that her daily budget is much different than Henning’s.

“& I’m over here thinking spending $100 a day is to much,” they wrote. “I need to upgrade my life.”

But many others bashed her spending habits.

“Wealth is quiet. Rich is loud. Poor is flashy,” one user commented.

“I own [a] business daycare being number one and is doing very well.I don’t care how much I make, no way I’m spending 8k in a day. Unless its business,” another chimed in.

Henning’s website states that she sells business courses, ebooks and guides on financial topics such as credit repair, taxes and “millionaire marketing.” She also sells clothing.