Loudoun County Sheriff's Office seal

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office has arrested three people after a nearly four-month investigation into the sale of narcotics and a firearm.

(5) comments

Chris McHale

The Feds seized 16 ton in Philly, so this barely passes the sniff test.

Chris McHale

Andrew O. Nichol I - III must be proud. Also did those from WV enter the country legally?

David Dickinson

AG Mark Herring just called and said dealing drugs in Virginia shouldn't be a crime so these guys have nothing to worry about. Herring simply ignores laws that his political agenda doesn't like.


Big difference between personal use and dealing. And between pot and cocaine. Sounds like you just want to slander Herring. If that is your point at least use a valid claim this one was lame.


If you think pot and coke are the same thing you should really lay off the.....well, nevermind, it must be genetic..

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