Drug Incompatibility Chemistry

David W. Newton, B.S.PHARM., P.H.D., FAPHA


Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66(4):348-357. 

In This Article

Causes of Precipitation Incompatibility

Incompatibility describes preventable or reversible precipitation or insolubility. In contrast, instability describes degradation, such as hydrolysis, oxidation, and covalent chemical reactions that may be slowed but not stopped.[12,13,14,15,16] Visible precipitation (and all precipitation that may be clinically significant is not visible[17]) has been described as physical incompatibility. However, precipitates are physical products of intermolecular and interionic forces (i.e., chemical reactions).

The main chemical causes of visibly observable precipitation, such as crystals, haziness, or turbidity, in mixed and diluted drug solutions are summarized in the following six subsections. The acid-base section is further detailed later. Acid-base solubility chemistry is essential to predicting and explaining the compatibility and incompatibility results of most drug-drug and drug-diluent combinations that may not be included in sources such as the Handbook on Injectable Drugs.[18] Furthermore, such compilations do not explain causes for most combinations classified as incompatible. The treatment of specific cases of incompatibility and instability has been deemphasized in favor of generalization; however, drug compounds will still obey chemical and physical laws.[19]

Acid-base Reactions

More than 90% of drugs are organic, weak electrolytes, especially those compounded, manufactured, or reconstituted as injections in predominantly ionized or salt form.[18] Consequently, acid-base reactions are the most common causes of drug incompatibility as precipitation of nonionized drug forms. Nonionized and nonelectrolyte are not synonymous because nonelectrolytes cannot become ionized (i.e., they can neither gain or lose protons to become charged nor dissociate into ions). The ratio or percentages of ionized and nonionized forms of weak electrolytes depend on the solution's pH and drug pKa values via the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.[2,3,12,13,14,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29] Facile identification of acid and base reactive groups on organic drug molecules and pH ranges at which those groups are predominantly ionized or nonionized is the foremost priority for deducing, predicting, and precluding drug-drug and drug-diluent incompatibilities.[3,22,27,28,29]

The aqueous solubility of most nonionized molecules that contain fewer than one hydrogen bond donor-acceptor group (e.g., amino, hydroxy) per every four or more carbon atoms ranges from 0.1 to 0.001 of their ionized forms. This approximation may be confirmed by comparing water solubilities of the salt and nonionized forms of many drugs.[12,13,14,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33] Insoluble concentrations of nonionized drug forms may occur in clinical preparations in the following circumstances:

  • Combining organic anions and organic cations (i.e., opposite salts).

  • Diluting organic drug salt solutions such that resulting pH values generate more nonionized forms than were present in the original drug solutions.

  • Mixing organic drug ions that have the same charge, such as sodium salts of different drugs or hydrochloride salts of different drugs, where there is more than 1 unit of difference in drug pKa and solution pH values. In such cases, the drugs act as an acid and base relative to each other. There are multiple examples of incompatible combinations of hydrochloride drug salts with each other and sodium drug salts with each other in the Handbook on Injectable Drugs.[18]

Nondissociated Salts of Organic Ions

Precipitation is likely when oppositely charged, organic drug ions that contain aromatic rings are combined in relatively strong concentrations.[12,13,14] Close intermolecular or interionic approach by carbon atoms in planar, nonpolar molecular regions induces attraction via dispersion or induced dipole type intermolecular forces. These are generally called van der Waals forces but are specifically known as London dispersion forces.[22,23,27,34,35,36,37,38,39] Dispersion forces result from nonsymmetrical displacement of outer shell electrons, which creates temporary molecular polarity, or dipoles.[23,27,34,35,36,37,38,39] Dispersion forces increase with molecular size (i.e., with increasing outer shell electrons). For example, dispersion forces account for increasing boiling and melting points of non-branched alkanes, which change from gases (e.g., propane) to volatile liquids (e.g., octane) to non-volatile liquids (e.g., mineral oil) to semisolids (e.g., petrolatum) to solids (e.g., paraffin) with increasing -CH2-units, CH3-(CH2)n-CH3, at standard conditions.[40]

Polarity is better induced in aromatic rings than aliphatic rings, which is why many opposite drug ions can precipitate and why benzene-water solubility is 36 times that of cyclohexane.[40] Dispersion forces between carbon atoms are essential to native conformational folding in proteins and polypeptides, including drugs, enzymes, and receptors, and to drugs that bind with enzymes, receptors, and serum proteins.[27,34,35,36,37,38,39] Dispersion forces are a major component of hydrophobic forces in proteins and polypeptides.[22,34,39] Hydrophobic indicates that water cannot dissociate London dispersion forces as it does ionic bonds and that water is not a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor in such interactions.

Salts that require greater than 1000 mL/g to dissolve, or have <0.1% solubility, may be preferred to provide prolonged slow absorption while achieving effective plasma concentrations for some therapeutic uses, which is the case for benzathine and procaine penicillin G intramuscular injections. These salts are also used to prevent i.v. abuse of drugs in oral formulations while providing effective oral absorption, which is the case for propoxyphene napsylate. The aromatic rings in these molecules may be observed in references such as The Merck Index.[41] Potential precipitation of opposite aromatic drug ions is illustrated by the water volumes required to dissolve 1 g of the drug salts listed below:

  • Salts of benzyl penicillin or penicillin G: benzathine 5,000 mL; procaine 250 mL; and sodium 40 mL,[22,33]

  • Salts of propoxyphene: napsylate (napthalenesulfonic acid) 10,000 mL and hydrochloride 2 mL,[33]

  • Salts of imipramine: pamoate (pamoic acid), >10,000 mL or United States Pharmacopeia (USP) insoluble[33] and hydrochloride 5 mL,[42] and

  • Salts of hydroxyzine: pamoate 1000 mL and hydrochloride 1 mL.[22]

Salting Out

Salting out results when highly hydrated inorganic ions (e.g., Cl-, K+, Na+) deprive organic ions and molecules of adequate water molecules to remain dissolved.[12,13,14,23,43,44] An example of salting out would be the immediate release of carbon dioxide gas from carbonated beverages when sodium chloride is added.[23] The weaker induced dipole-dipole forces between carbon dioxide and water are displaced by stronger sodium-water and chloride-water ion-dipole forces.

Salts of Inorganic Divalent Ions

Salts of polyvalent anions and cations are generally less soluble than salts in which both ions are monovalent or in which one ion is monovalent and its opposite ion is polyvalent.[26] The most clinically important potential precipitates among these ions are dibasic or monohydrogen calcium phosphate, CaHPO4.[13,45]

Desolvation of Nonionized Organic Drugs

Precipitation on dilution in aqueous i.v. fluids is common with nonionized drugs, such as diazepam and lorazepam, that are formulated as injections with ≥40% by volume of alcohols (e.g., alcohol, ethanol, glycerin, polyethylene glycols, propylene glycol).[46,47] When such injections are diluted in aqueous solutions (e.g., 5% dextrose solution and 0.9% sodium chloride), the intermolecular hydrogen bonding of the water-alcohol deprives the drugs of weaker van der Waals forces by which the alcohols solubilize the drugs.[2,12,13,14,46,47] Precipitation is also possible when injections formulated as colloidal solutions with surfactant micelles (and alcohols), such as etoposide, are improperly diluted for i.v. infusion. Extensive dilution results in the loss of drug-solubilizing micelles when the surfactant concentration falls below its critical micelle concentration.[23,48]

Organic Ion-inorganic Ion Salts

Though rare, one instance that has caused expense, inconvenience, harm, and death is the precipitation of ceftriaxone with calcium (e.g., a divalent organic anion, divalent inorganic cation salt).[9,49] The approved generic name, ceftriaxone sodium, belies that the drug is actually a disodium salt formed from two structurally different acid groups with pKa values of 3 and 4.[41] Most calcium salts of divalent organic acids are less soluble than the sodium salts. For example, calcium succinate and tartrate are slightly soluble, but the sodium salts of those carboxylic acids are freely soluble, or 100 times more soluble than the calcium salts.[41]


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