
26 Apr 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Supt Seamus Boyle to take over as Longford garda chief

Garda boss to head up both Granard and Longford districts

Seamus Boyle

Superintendent Seamus Boyle

Granard Superintendent Seamus Boyle is to take over as Longford superintendent, the Leader can exclusively reveal.

The Longford native is to succeed recently retired former superintendent Jim Delaney who stepped down just over a week ago.

A former Castlerea based garda chief, Superintendent Boyle has occupied the helm of Granard Garda District since March 2019.

The Leader understands Supt Boyle will assume responsibility for both divisions when his candidacy is confirmed over the coming days.

Longford Fine Gael Senator Micheál Carrigy welcomed the news as he paid tribute to Supt Boyle's tenure to date in Granard.

"It's a positive move," he said.

"Supt Boyle brings a wealth of experience to the role and has been one of the major success stories in helping to tackle crime across the north of the county over the past three years."

For more on this developing story, see next week's Longford Leader.

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