These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week, Unless They’re Willing To Go With The Flow

If you’re comfortable with the idea of going with the flow, then you’re one step ahead of the game, as this week’s astrology has everything to do with being adaptable, and willing to make the necessary changes. However, if you’re one of the zodiac signs that will have the worst week of September 12 to 18, it’s likely due to you attaching yourself to a specific outcome, and/or setting expectations that aren’t necessarily realistic. That being said, shifting your focus and mindset could benefit you in more ways than one this week, but only if you’re up for the challenge.

At the beginning of the week, Luna will connect with disciplined and dependable Saturn, which serves as a reminder to take the structure of your community affairs into consideration. Nothing wrong with being bold and embracing your authenticity, but it’s not always going to be about “me, myself and I.” The same goes for the next couple of days, given that the moon will be joining forces with disruptive Uranus on September 14, after its shift into stability-seeking Taurus. Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone, if needed? Themes surrounding your value systems and overall sense of security are more likely to change unexpectedly during this time, so try to find the silver lining in the chaos.

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Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: IMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

The moon will enter Gemini on September 15, which will bring emphasis to the mental chatter and analysis paralysis you may be dealing with. You may feel be overthinking every aspect of your relationship, especially with Mercury retrograding through Libra. If some things don’t make sense right now, don’t go down the rabbit hole trying to solve each riddle you come across. The answers you seek will come in due time! Besides, the sun will be forming a perplexing opposition with elusive Neptune on September 16, which heighten the confusion beyond measure. So, instead of hyper-focusing on every little detail, take a load off and partake in some much-needed grounding rituals. After all, when has a negative thought spiral ever helped anybody?

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If your sun sign and/or rising sign happens to fall under any of the below zodiac signs, this is why you should steer away from overthinking this week:

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


First thing’s first, Gemini: Mercury—your ruling planet—is currently retrograde which, in short, is equivalent to driving a car with a deflated tire. Sounds grim, and it sort of is, but you’re lucky this isn’t your first rodeo. Nevertheless, the moon’s close proximity to Uranus on September 14 could trigger feelings of restlessness, as well as an unexplainable urge to break free! And with Venus moving through your fourth house of home and family, chances are this irritability and moody behavior will likely revolve around personal matters, or perhaps the logistics of your living space. Stay tidy!

The sun in Virgo will be making an opposition to Neptune on September 16, adding a foggy layer of confusion when it comes to your work-life balance. Having said that, if you’re lacking balance between your personal life and your professional concerns, this transit will serve as a gentle reminder to set some boundaries and rethink your priorities. Ironically—not that there’s ever a coincidence in astrology—Venus in Virgo will also square off with Mars in Gemini. This could kick up some of your more taboo desires, all while disrupting the meticulous value systems of your life. Take a step back from what you can’t control, Gem.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For September 2022

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


The week kicks off with good momentum, until the moon enters your fourth house of home, family and innermost feelings on September 13. Not that there’s anything wrong with laying low and spending time with your loved ones, but the moon will later form a conjunction with erratic Uranus, which is bound to stir up some unexpected chaos. Although, when considering the fact that Mercury is retrograding through your expansive ninth house of adventure, travel and worldly pursuits, many of you could be in the middle of relocating, or perhaps trying to make the move at the very least. Home is where the heart is, but you could feel like your living situation isn’t necessarily up to par at this very moment.

Keep in mind, contracts and shared investments could also be a prominent theme, especially with both the sun and Venus—planet of love—occupying your eighth house of intimate unions and joint ventures, but again, make sure you’re being discerning with your agreements and commitments during Mercury retrograde. On September 16, the sun will make an opposition to Neptune, making your plan of action all the more confusing, so hang in there, at least until the fog clears. And if you are in your feelings at the end of the week, it’s probably thanks to the sun’s trine to Pluto. Find your power in the shadows; something’s transforming for the better.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For September 2022

iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
iMaxTree;Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


If you’re feeling restricted and/or limited with regards to your finances, the beginning of the week could deal you a reality check! This could be somewhat bittersweet, but Virgo season is all about getting grounded, and making the necessary improvements. So, instead of dwelling on what you’re “lacking,” consider this an opportunity to be more productive. The good news is, the moon will conjunct super-genius Uranus on September 14 in your third house of communication and immediate resources, which means this could very well come with a “eureka” moment!

On another note, with the sun sitting in direct opposition with ambiguous Neptune in Pisces on September 16, you could unintentionally come across as elusive and/or deceptive with certain people in your life. You’ll want to make sure you’re communicating clearly, and showing up with honesty and integrity. Not saying you aren’t like this already, but the perplexing essence of Neptune is bound to create some illusions. Given that Venus will be at odds with Mars on the same day, this could have something to do with a personal and/or financial matter, where you and someone aren’t necessarily on the same page. This, too, shall pass.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For September 2022

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