
How to use Artificial Intelligence in mobile apps

IU Outrech IU Outrech @Idea Usher Nov 23, 2022, 15:32 IST

Artificial intelligence has been around for decades, but it’s only recently that it’s become possible to implement it on a large scale with cloud computing. Today, AI is used in small and large applications, from Siri and Alexa to virtual assistants and self-driving cars.

If you’re thinking about implementing AI into your mobile apps, there are a few things that you need to know. In this article, we’ll explore how to use artificial intelligence in mobile apps and identify some of the best practices for using AI effectively in your app.

Top-tier businesses like Amazon, eBay, and Tinder are heavily integrating AI into their applications to provide personalised mobile user experiences and increase profitability as they recognise the business dominance of AI. The trend is so pronounced that tech scions believe that by 2025, AI would power almost 95% of client transactions.

The most common use for AI in mobile apps is customer support automation, but there are many other ways you can use to develop fabulous mobile App AI to improve your app’s performance and engage your users.

What is AI and How it Works?

The idea of machines emulating human intelligence is precisely what artificial intelligence is. AI develops algorithms with reasoning and decision-making abilities using machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning (DL) technologies.

AI enables businesses to process large amounts of data and gain insightful information quickly. Companies use these data-backed insights to enhance capabilities, increase productivity, and accelerate growth.

According to a Gartner survey, the number of businesses using AI increased by 270%. The application of AI in enterprises will generate “$2.9 trillion in company value and 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity,” according to a different Gartner prediction.

Artificial intelligence can help increase mobile app retention, engagement, and conversion rates. Let’s look at how AI enhances mobile applications.

1. Automated testing

Automated testing is a must for any app developer who wants to ensure the app works correctly. Traditionally, this has been done manually by the developer or team of developers.

Nowadays, however, many tools are available that can automate this process — including unit testing, integration testing, and functional testing.

As the number of tests increases, it becomes harder to manage them all manually, so automated testing tools are crucial to keeping up with changing requirements. They also make it easier to test different configurations and platforms (i.e., Android vs. iOS).

2. Content generation

Content generation is one of the most exciting and challenging aspects of AI-driven apps. The ability to write original content based on a user’s input is a great way to create an engaging user experience. Still, producing the volume of content needed for an app to be successful can be difficult.

AI can help by making content generation more efficient. You can use AI to generate articles, blog posts, reviews, or other forms of content based on pre-existing templates and information. This allows you to quickly and easily produce large volumes of high-quality content that can be used in various ways throughout your app.

3. In-app personalization

Personalization is one of the most effective ways to attract and keep users engaged. And with AI-powered personalization, you can adapt your app content to suit each user’s preferences. This makes it more likely they’ll stay on your app and make them more likely to come back again.

In addition, personalized recommendations can help users find what they want faster. For example, let’s say you’re looking for a new pair of shoes for your upcoming wedding day — with AI-powered personalization, your shopping app could recommend a pair based on past purchases or even suggest similar items from other brands.

4. User behavior analysis

AI can analyze user behavior and make suggestions based on that data. This might include showing certain information or actions to particular users or groups or presenting different content on your website based on your visitors’ time of day or location.

AI can spot patterns in customer data (such as product reviews or purchase histories) and anticipate problems before they occur. For example, if you offer support services for a specific device model and start receiving complaints about problems with that model, AI can flag these issues, so they’re dealt with quickly and efficiently.

5. Contextual search suggestions

Contextually suggested search terms are a great way to help users narrow down their searches. These suggestions are often based on the user’s query’s context and include times of day, location, and weather conditions.

Since most AI-powered search engines have access to massive amounts of data, they can use this information to automatically generate contextually suggested phrases that appear below the search bar. This means that users don’t have to manually type out every possible query variation, thus saving them time when using an app.

The best part is that these suggested phrases usually appear in auto-completed suggestions, which means they’re already formatted correctly for the user’s query. The user just has to select one of them to complete their search.

6. Chatbots

Chatbots are a form of AI designed to respond to requests, answer questions and provide information.

Chatbots are a great way for companies to provide customer service, but they can also be used as an in-app tool. For example, if you have a travel app that allows users to book flights or hotels, it would make sense to include a chatbot that helps them with their travel plans.

You could also use chatbots as part of your marketing strategy. They can be used as customer service representatives who answer questions about your products or services and encourage people to sign up for newsletters or other communications.

If you have a large customer base, you may consider using an automated chatbot to answer questions such as “How do I find my order number?” or “Why was my order canceled?” Chatbots can be trained using natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand what customers are asking and respond accordingly.

7. Fraud detection

Detecting fraud is a huge problem for businesses of all sizes. Fraudulent transactions cost businesses billions of dollars each year, so it’s important to find ways to reduce these costs while still providing great service to customers.

Artificial intelligence can help with fraud detection by analyzing patterns in customer behavior and flagging any irregularities that could indicate fraud. For instance, if someone buys something with their credit card but then cancels the order immediately after receiving it, this could be a sign of fraudulent activity on their part or maybe just a mistake on yours (such as sending them the wrong item). You’ll want the ability to flag these types of situations so that you can address them quickly.

8. Object Detection

Object detection is a crucial area where AI technology can be used in mobile phone apps. Image recognition technology and artificial intelligence can collaborate to recognise things, people, places, and other pertinent factors provided your application uses visuals.

For instance, if medical experts utilise your mobile app, AI may be added to improve disease diagnosis. A member of your staff can upload a scan or photo of a probable anomaly, and algorithms will rapidly review it and make a diagnosis.

On the other hand, picture recognition software can significantly speed up the insurance industry’s underwriting and claim processing processes. Primarily by quickly and effectively detecting hazards from social media scans and damage assessments from photographs.

9. Digital Assistance

Virtual assistants can recognise the speaker’s voice and what is being spoken by utilising voice and speech recognition technologies to execute the required commands. Consequently, users can interact with the software without clicking all over it.

As you might expect, virtual assistants can help you save a tonne of time. However, they also give users who might want to use your application while driving or engaging in another activity that keeps their hands occupied an edge.

Additionally, folks with impairments depend on voice recognition, so if you want your programme to serve everyone, make sure virtual assistants are included.

AI can also offer digital support in this area if you’re developing a solution to enhance internal operations, such as the performance of your contact centre. For your sales staff, it may instantly give dynamic call scripts and modify dialogue ideas. Assisting staff in adjusting to every call and providing the best possible customer service.

Wrapping Up

The big takeaway is that AI and ML can have a huge impact on how you make your mobile apps, from how your app looks to how your user interacts with it. The overarching theme is user convenience, and AI can help developers provide that. It’s an exciting time in mobile development, and AI/ML is at the forefront of even more changes.

Businesses in a variety of industries are already reaping benefits from putting AI into their mobile apps, and it’s likely that this is just the beginning. Therefore, the sooner your company adopts this cutting-edge technology, the greater the chance that it will truly acquire a competitive edge.

We’ve covered many reasons AI is gaining so much traction in the app development community and how it can be used in a mobile app. As AI develops further, we’ll see even more interesting uses and applications in the near future—to help us build apps and use them better.

Andrew Mora

i stumbled upon this fantastic blog post about incorporating artificial intelligence in mobile apps, and i must say it\'s a real game-changer! the ste...

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IU Outrech

@Idea Usher

Idea Usher Solutions is an out of the box online solutions company based in Mohali, India. Our expertise lies in Web & App development and online marketing. We call ourselves Web Experience Designers and that is what we deliver; blend of design and technology to create usable and simple web experiences that work. We have a team of over 50 people with rich experience in the industry. Our team members have worked in various types of projects which include projects for the government as well,
