
Study Whales to Save Whales

Sreenidhi Thirumalai Sreenidhi Thirumalai @Information galore Nov 16, 2022, 23:24 IST

Whales have been a source of fascination since their discovery around 50 million years, but the recent changes in the environment with reports suggesting a significant change in the whale population have been a cause for concern. The recently caused mass strandings in New Zealand and the discovery by researchers of plastic consumption by whales at an alarming rate are or can be some of the effects caused by pollution and climate change.

This could become worse if actions are not taken to preserve them.

While pains have been taken to reduce whaling, ocean waste, cetacean captivity, etc, there is much to be learned and understood about these marine mammals for better solutions.

What are Whales?

They are extremely intelligent aquatic mammals that reside in the colder parts of the ocean, with small eyes, giant-sized brains, and bodies that are covered with thick layers of blubber (or fat). They move towards the warmer parts while birthing and nurturing their younglings.

Usually calm and friendly, they can turn hostile when sensing any threats. As sound travels four times faster in the ocean they have the ability to locate other whales through vibrations produced from a series of low-pitched moans. Or through objects that move and bump into each other sending sound waves across the ocean that reaches their sensitive ears.

There are many whale species, some that have been discovered and some that are still hiding deep in unknown water bodies. Here are some that were and still are often sighted over the years:

●       Grey whales

●       Belugas

●       Narwhals

●       Sperm whales

●       Right whales

●       Fin whales

●       Humpback whales, etc.

The Antarctic blue whale is considered the biggest marine mammal, extending up to 98 feet in length. Just like humans or other animals, each whale has individualistic traits that are distinctive to its type. For example, Humpbacks feed on krills and small schooling fish, Orcas have a tendency to attack whale calves and occasionally target bigger whales in groups. Toothed whales, use clicks and whistles for communication through their phonic lips while Baleen whales recycle air in their body without exhaling. Some of the whales have blowholes with two nostrils on top of their heads while some have just one.


Some of the facts stated above were retrieved through careful compilation by scientists, biologists, and researchers. They spent their time studying and understanding these sea creatures giving us detailed visual descriptions of their appearance and the functioning of their bodies.

This study was officially recognized as Whaleology or Cetology.

About 2300 years ago, Aristotle embarked on boat journeys with fishermen and took notes while examining different kinds of sea animals including whales. The rare glimpses were enough for him to categorize them into Baleen and toothed. Later, many naturalists, botanists, zoologists, and paleontologists argued about these creatures and their species, which produced multiple findings.

Despite many research reports, spotting a whale and observing it long enough to jot down important notes that are universally understandable can take time and effort. As whales spend 90 percent of their time underwater, their behaviors can only be observed when they breach the water surface for breathing, when portions of their bodies float visibly and when they make one of those rare long dives.

Most of the accuracy of the above reports was cross-checked with Whalers, also known as whale fishers, who kept track of their movements, migration, and outer body descriptions. It did not come from analysis or perception which is only possible through the keen eyes of a biologist.

Thankfully, inventors developed instruments that can allow researchers to examine whales from different sources and are still making use of technology to understand and find explanations.

Technology and Techniques used to study Whales

There are two ways qualified experts and enthusiasts can observe and gather knowledge about whales. It is going out there in the ocean, or in unknown water bodies, by conducting expeditions and setting up devices that can capture data which can be safely monitored from research labs.

When the availability of technology was limited, individuals were trained for travelling on vessels made for whale watching. They were armed with the necessary tools that would enable them to record their findings. The ocean is vast, deep, and dangerous on many levels, due to unexpected bad weather conditions, and collisions of ships/vessels with whales or other sea animals. Even with the help of divers, whalers, and boat surveyors, limited expeditions and research can be performed.

Experts are always looking for ways to make lives easier by designing equipment that can spew results with little physical effort. That’s how the computer was invented, but this machine was, and still can be, subject to various modifications. Scientists were also able to weigh in and create systems that enabled them to study sea animals.

Since both sight and sound are essential factors in collecting material, a mixture of live whale sightings along with the data gathered with help from equipment, scientists’ understanding of these friendly behemoths, can become more robust.

That said, here are some of the techniques and technology used for studying whales:

●      Sound
Voices have a distinctive pattern that is invisible, any living being that can produce sound has the ability to modulate its tone. Whales communicate through songs, that can be heard as moans to human beings. They produce tones that are clicks, whistles, or pulse calls. A Cetacean specialist has reported that whale calls can reach up to 180 decibels which is equivalent to the sound of a jet plane. However, they also have a powerful hearing ability which means that any sound in the ocean can be heard and experienced clearly. Increased movement of man-made water vessels like ships, boats, and submarines are prone to touch sea rocks or the water bed which expels sound waves. This can affect whales in the long run. Sound can also be used to triangulate ocean spaces with increased whale activity and warn ships to avoid such areas.

Keeping these in mind, innovators have created equipments that can help protect whales and other sea creatures as well as decrease human and vessel damage. Below are some of the equipments in detail:

●      Acoustic Buoys
They are floating buoys with hydrophones or acoustic recorders attached to their bottoms. The data recorded on the devices is transmitted to nearby base stations and viewed as a spectrogram. Around the 1930s, coastal survey departments and naval forces used these for keeping track of submarines and potential threats in certain water regions, this equipment is also used for observing the movement of the whale population. Some of the acoustic buoys have pingers attached that send signals to whales. Pollution boards also require construction companies to install these devices for controlling underwater noise pollution. These devices are proving to be a helpful part of keeping the aquatic environment clean and safe.

●      Hydrophone
It is an underwater microphone that can catch the minutest sounds heard in the ocean. As Hydrographers use multi-beam echo sounders to assess the water bodies and come up with plans to prevent hazards during navigation, Hydrophones are used by submarines and sea animal conservation organizations to safeguard animals and humans. They are installed in water bodies tethered to a solid block that remains unmoving despite strong tidal waves. Higher the sensitivity of a hydrophone, the higher the chances of obtaining clear recordings of whale sounds. These sounds are recorded and archived for research and are also released to other scientific communities for study. Recently, a website has set up networks with access to multiple hydrophones for live listening of whale noises in different locations.

●      Artificial Intelligence Acoustic Monitoring Technologies
Scientists have roped in machine learning experts that can decode whale languages. They have created devices with Artificial intelligence programs that can recognize the tones of whale species via the available recording of whale songs input in its system. These compiled recordings act as data sets for analysis. Efforts are also being made to communicate with whales through the CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative). Sperm whales make sounds that are mainly in clicks and have a certain pattern that is similar to morse codes. In a few years, if the research proves successful, it might be possible to send and receive messages in whale language. The data is collected through Hydrophones or Acoustic buoys.

●      Visuals
All visual information that can be viewed today is the result of extensive research conducted by cetacean specialists and biologists in a bid to spread awareness. Both live and recorded visuals can be gained by venturing into water bodies containing whales. Live sightings are rare and can only provide glimpses that can last mere seconds. The invention of technology that is able to freeze those glimpses in devices can help scientists revisit and analyze these creatures. This way, research can be carried out while whales remain unharmed. Whale watching has become a part of the tourism industry that allows civilians to travel near populous whale areas. Victoria, a city situated near Vancouver, Canada, is known to have the most whale sightings throughout the year with a success rate of 95 percent. The International Whaling Commission has set up a website containing a handbook that acts as a guide, with region-specific sections, for whale watching.

A Visual research seems daunting, so it is also important to be well-versed with the Wildlife Protection acts or regulations of specific regions before attempting to approach whales in any manner.

These devices and techniques are often used when examining sea animals which, in this case, also includes whales:

●      Satellite Tagging
Whales are known to prefer colder waters but often migrate into warmer water bodies while nurturing and caring for their calves. And due to climate change, their migration route could differ. In such cases, radio tags can come in handy for researchers. There are various types of such tags that help scientists and whale conservation organizations to track a whale’s movements. These tags are attached to the whale’s back with the antenna protruding and pointing upward. Whenever a whale comes above the water’s surface the tags send signals to a satellite orbiting above the earth’s atmosphere. The data is compiled and analyzed to understand a whale’s behavior and rescue them from a collision with ships or any other dangers. The tags are made of metal and in time they detach from the whale’s skin.

●      Photos
The first ever photograph was created in 1827 and since then it has aided in capturing important events in history and also introducing people to newer cultures, regions, and animals. A whale breaching the ocean surface can be minutes, or seconds but armed with a high-quality camera and impeccable timing it can be recorded and reviewed many times. But relying on a whale’s behavior is as good as waiting for their moods to change. They may sometimes choose not to breach at all. In such times, underwater photography is seen as a boon. Divers can attach a camera to their gear and swim at a safe distance. Waterproof video cameras are also quite convenient with options to disable flash and adjust brightness.

●      Boat Surveys
Marine mammal surveyors are trained individuals with a qualification in biology and a thorough understanding of the sea animals they will be observing. There are workshops that explain the role of research teams that will be exploring water bodies and the protocols to be followed when recording data. These surveys are conducted for marking whale hotspots for tourism and scientific purpose. The research is conducted using mapped-out routes, called transects, with most whale sightings and the habitat is observed. Based on this, some areas are zoned and separated to warn incoming vessels. Sometimes teams may come across whale dung that floats on the surface of the ocean and collect samples for examination. This helps cetacean specialists understand the health of whales and can also be used to detect any diseases.

●      Whale Corpses
A Whales’s carcass is as close as one can get to studying its anatomy. The studies can be conducted through the corpses that wash up on a seashore or through underwater electronic research vessels that can move around the sea bed and transmit real-time footage, of whale falls, to the labs. Necropsy performed reveals interesting details of a whale’s outer body and inner organs. Estimations can be made about their cause of death and the nature of their food habits. A dead whale in the depths of the ocean provides a much better understanding of the different species that survive on these carcasses. It may take decades for a whale to fully decompose, new organisms and other sea animals live off of these remains.

Whales in Popular Culture

Popular Culture fiction as a genre has intrigued creators since its inception, it is a stepping stone for gaining knowledge about anything. Whales are mysterious creatures and their behavior has been a source of artistic inspiration. Over the years, creators have taken special efforts in incorporating these creatures into beautifully interweaved stories. In movies, books, and paintings, whales have starred as main characters or even given a small peek generating interest from the masses.

In the world of fine arts, Robert Wyland is well known for creating more than 100 whale murals. In movies, whales are either shown to create havoc that causes huge damage or as gentle creatures that need help. Artists have recorded actual whale voices and released them as songs. Some have taken their characteristics into account and paralleled them with their own emotions while writing them as lyrics.

Using this medium, many marine and whale conservation organizations have been able to create awareness and amass support for their causes. A simple mention can do wonders for putting issues such as increased ocean waste, or underwater noise pollution to the forefront.

How can we save whales?

Ocean life has suffered greatly due to human intervention and continues to still be at risk, an understanding of their lives in the sea will help us prevent a reduction in their population. Government and marine animal conservation organizations have taken steps for preserving the marine ecosystem. Whales are a part of this system, and studying whales can contribute greatly to reducing their disappearances from the ocean. It can also be pursued as a career opportunity for those keen on building a better environment for whales.

Direct interaction with anything related to whales is possible if one decides to pursue these as a profession or vocation:

●       Diving

●       Marine Biology or Science

●       Whale training

●       Cetacean Specialization

●       Whale Watching guide

●       Marine mammal Survey

One can also do their part in protecting whales by following and keeping track of any information that helps in conserving marine wildlife. Also inculcating practices such as:

●       Supporting Whale and Marine Conservation organizations through donations or spreading awareness

●       Buying goods that do not require shipping

●       Entanglement can be harmful to whales, informing local authorities or lifeguards about these entanglements can save their lives

●       Spotting whales and informing local authorities or marine conservation organizations can help them in future identification

●       Stay clear of zones that warn of increased whale activity

●       Share information about endangered whales wherever possible

●       Recycle plastic regularly, and avoid throwing waste in the ocean


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Sreenidhi Thirumalai

@Information galore

A creative individual with experience in writing for education and health and wellness blogs. She is willing to explore different topics and present them as well written articles.
