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Ratings methodology for top medical alert systems 2023

The following list outlines the methodology that was used to determine the recommended medical alert systems for 2023.

Medical alert systems can keep you safe — but which system is the right choice for you?
10'000 Hours
Medical alert systems can keep you safe — but which system is the right choice for you?
SOURCE: 10'000 Hours
Ratings methodology for top medical alert systems 2023

The following list outlines the methodology that was used to determine the recommended medical alert systems for 2023.

Criteria for selecting the top medical alert systems for 2023PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ibXlGaW5hbmNlLXdpZGdldCIgZGF0YS1hZC1pZD0iOTZjYzU0ZDgtYWZiZi00M2Q3LWE1MGUtYzdhMGZlN2FjYTdmIiBkYXRhLWNhbXBhaWduPSJrY3JhLXNhdi1tdWx0aSIgZGF0YS1zdWItaWQ94oCcaHR0cDovL3d3dy5rY3JhLmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL3JhdGluZ3MtbWV0aG9kb2xvZ3ktZm9yLXRvcC1tZWRpY2FsLWFsZXJ0LXN5c3RlbXMtMjAyMy80MjU1MjU4NSI+PC9kaXY+Cg==To create our list of the top medical alert systems in Sacramento, our editorial team (and many of the older adults in their lives) tried out each provider’s systems and took notes on their experiences. We combined that with hours of online research and conversations with each provider’s customer service team. Finally, we compared each company on the following criteria, including:Price and value: We compared prices among competitors and chose providers that offer dependable service and an excellent variety of features for the price. We also rewarded companies that offer frequent sales and promotions. Average response times: For each system we tested, we tracked the average response times and prioritized providers that responded consistently fast. Equipment quality and durability: We evaluated each system’s quality both as we tested it, as well as how it held up over time. Quality of customer service and response agents: We called each company’s customer service department and made test calls to response agents. We rewarded providers with high-quality teams.Ease of use: We evaluated how easy each system is to use. Simple, intuitive systems rated higher.Contracts and cancellation policies: None of the providers on our list require long-term contracts, so customers have flexibility.Features and technology: We look for providers with unique and useful features, such as step tracking and temperature sensors.PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ibXlGaW5hbmNlLXdpZGdldCIgZGF0YS1hZC1pZD0iMjJhNDRmYjEtYmJiZS00NGQ2LTliYmMtNDEwMjhkYTE5YjA0IiBkYXRhLWNhbXBhaWduPSJrY3JhLWhlLW11bHRpIiBkYXRhLXN1Yi1pZD0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5rY3JhLmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL3JhdGluZ3MtbWV0aG9kb2xvZ3ktZm9yLXRvcC1tZWRpY2FsLWFsZXJ0LXN5c3RlbXMtMjAyMy80MjU1MjU4NSI+PC9kaXY+A version of this Best Medical Alert Systems of 2023 article originally appeared on SFGate.

Criteria for selecting the top medical alert systems for 2023


To create our list of the top medical alert systems in Sacramento, our editorial team (and many of the older adults in their lives) tried out each provider’s systems and took notes on their experiences. We combined that with hours of online research and conversations with each provider’s customer service team. Finally, we compared each company on the following criteria, including:

  • Price and value: We compared prices among competitors and chose providers that offer dependable service and an excellent variety of features for the price. We also rewarded companies that offer frequent sales and promotions.
  • Average response times: For each system we tested, we tracked the average response times and prioritized providers that responded consistently fast.
  • Equipment quality and durability: We evaluated each system’s quality both as we tested it, as well as how it held up over time.
  • Quality of customer service and response agents: We called each company’s customer service department and made test calls to response agents. We rewarded providers with high-quality teams.
  • Ease of use: We evaluated how easy each system is to use. Simple, intuitive systems rated higher.
  • Contracts and cancellation policies: None of the providers on our list require long-term contracts, so customers have flexibility.
  • Features and technology: We look for providers with unique and useful features, such as step tracking and temperature sensors.

A version of this Best Medical Alert Systems of 2023 article originally appeared on SFGate.