A journey under the Polished Sail

Elisabeth Leonskaja

Elisabeth Leonskaja Source: ACO

Usually musicians avoid giving interviews on the day of a concert, but Elisabeth Leonskaja became for us the generous exception. She was happy to discuss her life, friendship with the Great Richter, her music and Nobel Price Winner poet Joseph Brodsky, who devoted two poetical verses to her. And actually we thought that a metaphore from his poem Bagatelle will be very suitable for the headline to this intreview.

2-for-1 Discount

- 2-for-1 on A-B reserves; all dates

- No cap

- Available online and in person

- Valid from now until 8 September

- Promo code: DEBUT




Arts Centre Melbourne

Monday 5 September, 7.30pm


Adelaide Town Hall Tuesday 6 September, 7.30pm


Perth Concert Hall Wednesday 7 September, 7.30pm

