Occasional Calorie Restriction For Weight Loss: 4 Easy Ways To Achieve It

Occasional calorie restriction is when you don't go on a diet but cut your calories for a few weeks.  
Occasional Calorie Restriction For Weight Loss: 4 Easy Ways To Achieve It

It is alarming when you are unable to perform daily chores due to the excess weight you have gained and are frequently falling ill. Weight gain not only accumulates extra fat but also puts a lot of strain on the organs, causing them to work harder. People are more likely to follow a fad diet when it comes to losing weight. Fad diets are never a good idea because they deprive the body of nutrients and cause health problems.

Weight loss is a simple math that involves calorie restriction. So, if you're struggling to lose weight or looking for quick ways to shed fat, let's start by understanding what occasional calorie restriction is and the four ways to achieve the deficit.

What Is Occasional Calorie Restriction?

We are all aware that in order to lose weight, we must eat in a deficit, which can be done if we adhere to a diet or restrict ourselves to certain foods. The restriction is necessary to get in shape, but when you restrict yourself from certain foods for an extended period of time, there is a risk of various nutrients deficiency in the body. 

Occasional calorie restriction is when you restrict your calories for a few weeks and then resume normal eating. For example, if you've been consuming 2,000 calories for a while, you might reduce it to 1,600 for 15 days. When you zigzag your calories, you are not only able to manage your weight, but you can also avoid the weight loss plateau. So, how do you go about it? Here are four ways to practice occasional calorie restriction.

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Ways To Achieve Occasional Calorie Restriction

1) Limit Your Fat Intake

One gram of protein and carbohydrates has four calories, while one gramme of fat has nine calories. A high-fat meal can easily increase your daily calorie intake. As a result, it is critical that you limit your fat intake. The most effective method is to consume fats per gram of your body weight.

2) Move More

Exercising daily and burning calories is one of the best ways to create a deficit. Your goal should be to focus on exercises that increase your heart rate. For example, running, jogging, swimming, or cycling. The calorie burn doubles when your heart rate increases.

3) Practice Portion Control

Fasting or skipping meals to lose weight is an old idea. Eating in smaller portions, also known as portion control, is one of the most effective ways of reducing your calorie intake. Portion control allows you to provide your body with all of the necessary nutrients while remaining in a deficit.

Also Read: OMAD Diet For Weight Loss: What It Is & Should You Do It

4) Use A Calorie Counter Apps

We often underestimate food by saying we only had a bite, but a bite can have almost about 200 calories. Using calorie counter apps and logging your food will clearly show how many calories and macronutrients you have consumed. The app also suggests low-calorie foods to help you cut calories.

Image Credit: Freepik

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