SEVIER COUNTY, Tenn. (WATE) — Spring break is about to begin for school systems across East Tennessee and around the country. One popular destination for families during this time of year is Sevier County.

Katelyn and Joseph Brown are visiting Sevier County from out of state.

“This is the first time that we’ve been this early into the year. Normally we come in the summer or late fall,” said Katelyn Brown. Her husband added, “and it’s quieter right now.”

“It’s a great time to come out and you can still enjoy everything,” said Katelyn Brown.

They realize that next week won’t be so quiet. This time it’s just the two of them but they’ve made Sevier County their family’s spring break destination before.

“It’s family-oriented, family-friendly, you don’t have to worry about much,” said Joseph Brown.

Amanda Marr with the Sevierville Chamber of Commerce said it’s good to plan your trip ahead of time.

“It’s always smart to strategize kind of what you want to do, how you want to kind of move around the area. So that you have as little time in traffic as possible, but one of the things that I always recommend is looking at the days that you come in and go out. Sundays and Mondays are great days to be coming into town and starting your vacations. Make sure you’re looking to head out Thursday and Friday,” said Marr.

She adds that Sevier County as a whole sees around 15 million guests per year and many of those visitors come during this time of year.

“Sevierville sees a huge amount of sales each year. This past year we were past 2 billion dollars in retail sales and of course, spring break and the travel associated with that have a huge impact on those final numbers. So it’s a very important time for our economy.”

If you are coming to Sevier County from out of town and not quite sure what to do during your visit, the Chamber does have a list of places to play and stay on their website. You can find that list here.