If you are planning to travel to Liverpool or any other city in United Kingdom, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Liverpool John Lennon Airport along with the airport location map, Time Zone, lattitude and longitude, Current time and date, hotels near the airport etc... Liverpool John Lennon Airport Map showing the location of this airport in United Kingdom. Liverpool Airport IATA Code, ICAO Code, exchange rate etc... is also provided.

Liverpool Airport Info:

Liverpool Airport IATA Code: LPL Liverpool Airport ICAO Code: EGGP
Latitude : 53.3372 Longitude : -2.85425
City : Liverpool Country : United Kingdom United Kingdom
World Area Code : 493 Airport Type : Large
Liverpool Airport Address / Contact Details :
Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LPL), Liverpool L24 1, UK
Liverpool Website : http://www.liverpoolairport.com/
Owner : Peel Airports
Operator : Liverpool Airport PLC
Established Year : 1935
Timezone : Europe/London
Liverpool John Lennon Airport Timezone : GMT +01:00 hours
Current time and date at Liverpool John Lennon Airport is 08:13:44 AM (BST) on Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024

Looking for information on Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, United Kingdom? Know about Liverpool John Lennon Airport in detail. Find out the location of Liverpool John Lennon Airport on United Kingdom map and also find out airports near to Liverpool. This airport locator is a very useful tool for travelers to know where is Liverpool John Lennon Airport located and also provide information like hotels near Liverpool John Lennon Airport, airlines operating to Liverpool John Lennon Airport etc... IATA Code and ICAO Code of all airports in United Kingdom. Scroll down to know more about Liverpool John Lennon Airport or Liverpool Airport, United Kingdom.

Liverpool John Lennon Airport Map - Location of Liverpool John Lennon Airport

United Kingdom - General Information

Country Formal Name United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Country Code GB
Capital London
Currency Pound (GBP)
• 1 GBP = 1.234 USD
• 1 USD = 0.81 GBP
• 1 GBP = 1.159 EUR
• 1 EUR = 0.863 GBP
» More GBP convertion rates
Tel Code +44
Top Level Domain .uk

Nearest Airports to Liverpool John Lennon Airport

Closest airports to Liverpool, United Kingdom are listed below. These are major airports close to the city of Liverpool and other airports closest to Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

Nearest airport to Liverpool John Lennon Airport and Liverpool is Burtonwood Airport - (20.04 Km / 12.45 Miles)

Following are the nearest airports to Liverpool and Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Distance between the two airports is given in bracket.

This page provides all the information you need to know about Liverpool John Lennon Airport, United Kingdom. This page is created with the aim of helping travelers and tourists visiting United Kingdom or traveling to Liverpool Airport.

Details about Liverpool Airport given here include

  • Liverpool John Lennon Airport Code - IATA Code (3 letter airport codes) and ICAO Code (4 letter airport codes)
  • Coordinates of Liverpool Airport - Latitude and Longitude (Lat and Long) of Liverpool John Lennon Airport
  • Location of Liverpool John Lennon Airport - City Name, Country, Country Codes etc...
  • Liverpool John Lennon Airport Time Zone and Current time at Liverpool John Lennon Airport
  • Address and contact details of Liverpool John Lennon Airport along with website address of the airport
  • Clickable Location Map of Liverpool John Lennon Airport on Google Map.
  • General information about United Kingdom where Liverpool John Lennon Airport is located in the city of Liverpool. General information include capital of United Kingdom, currency and conversion rate of United Kingdom currency, Telephone Country code, exchange rate against US Dollar and Euro in case of major world currencies etc...

LPL - Liverpool John Lennon Airport IATA Code and EGGP - Liverpool John Lennon Airport ICAO code