New York City spends $387 per migrant per day to provide shelter and food


New York City is spending about $387 per day per migrant to provide food and shelter to the 64,800 migrants in the city, according to data from NYC City Hall.

February’s number is down $5 from an October count when the city was housing 65,400 migrants. That number peaked in November, hitting $391 per day per migrant. These numbers do not reflect the cost of other services like medical care and education

“In the last two months, Mayor Adams has laid out plans to save billions of taxpayer dollars as New York City manages a national humanitarian crisis, and the numbers show that our efforts are working,” a City Hall spokesperson told The New York Post Tuesday. 

He also said the city expects to “save $2.3 billion by next summer.” Mayor Eric Adams is looking to bring the cost per day per migrant down to $352 by fiscal year 2025. 

Adams called on city agencies to cut spending to an initial 5% last November — and then a further 5% in January in response to the migrant crisis. 

“Commercial hotels are an incredibly expensive way to provide shelters,” Department of Social Services commissioner Molly Wasow Park said. 


The average price for a three-night stay in a New York City hotel is $524. 

“I absolutely think we will see changes in the asylum number as there is a push to manage costs down,” Park said.

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