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I-CAR to launch Repairability Technical Support (RTS) app

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Collision Repair | Repair Operations
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I-CAR will launch an app version of its Repairability Technical Support (RTS) OEM information website in April.

During an I-CAR Repairers Realm episode Wednesday, RTS was referred to as the “information super highway to I-CAR.” In other words, those who use it may not necessarily find an exact repair procedure but will find whether there’s information available and, if there is, step-by-step directions on how to find it, according to Scott VanHulle, I-CAR repairability technical support and OEM technical relations manager.

The app will be available in Apple and Android stores the first week of April. VanHulle said the app is still in beta testing and I-CAR hopes to launch it April 8.

VanHulle said the app will provide easier access for technicians from a phone or tablet instead of having to use a computer. It will also have more features and functions.

When updates come from OEMs, such as repair procedures, anything that’s updated on the website will be updated in the app. VanHulle noted that’s important because OEMs update their repair information often.

A common use of RTS is looking up when calibrations are required, like when a camera’s position has been disturbed or a sensor replaced, VanHulle said.

Other popular searches are structural and electric vehicle (EV) or hybrid service disconnect procedures.

“We’ve done thousands of hours of research for you to help you,” VanHulle said. “We want people to utilize that and get those cars fixed correctly.”

Another new feature that will be available with the app, and on the website, is VIN lookup rather than only by make, model, and year.

All of the basic information found on the website without a login will also be available in the app without a login. Information that requires a login will be the same as the user’s training I-CAR ID.

The app will place priority on questions sent under “Ask I-CAR” when users are logged in because some information needed to get an answer faster will already be available to I-CAR. I-CAR will reach out to OEMs or product makers to pass questions on and get answers for repairers through the feature.


Featured image: Scott VanHulle, I-CAR repairability technical support and OEM technical relations manager, talks about I-CAR’s soon-to-launch RTS app during a March 27, 2024 Repairers Realm webinar episode. (Credit: I-CAR)

Screenshot from March 27, 2024 Repairers Realm episode. (Credit: I-CAR)

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