"Out of boredom"

West Styrian (19) set fire to hay bales and carport

28.03.2024 10:43

After two fires in the Deutschlandsberg area in one night just over a week ago, the police have now been able to identify a 19-year-old as the arsonist. The young man from western Styria is also believed to be responsible for numerous other acts of damage to property. Motive: boredom ...

Two fires in the Deutschlandsberg area on the night of March 19 caused enormous damage and a large fire department. First, around 50 bales of straw were on fire in a meadow in Groß St. Florian. A short time later, a large carport including six vehicles burned down completely in Deutschlandsberg. Damage: several hundred thousand euros!

Motive: boredom
It soon became clear to the police that both fires were started deliberately. As the regional police directorate has now announced, a 19-year-old from western Styria has been identified as the firebug. After several hours of questioning, the young man confessed. He was unable to give a motive, but according to the police it was probably simply boredom.

But that's not all: the police suspect that the 19-year-old could be responsible for around 20 other crimes. He is suspected of having damaged several buildings and vehicles in the region and of having broken into a farm store.

The teenager is also alleged to have stolen license plates and mounted them on other vehicles, which he is then said to have driven considerably too fast.

He is also said to have endangered other road users and thrown stones at oncoming cars, among other things. The police are still looking for injured parties and witnesses in this connection.

Police are looking for injured parties and witnesses
Specifically, such incidents are said to have occurred in the night from March 11 to 12, 2024(Mon/Thu) in the area of the L601 between Wettmannstätten and Preding. A VW car (presumably a Tiguan) is also said to have been hit. There have been no reports to date.

Information to: Gr. St. Florian police station, Tel.: 059133/6103

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