Best Small Places for Business and Careers 2019

Springfield, IL

Springfield, IL
the place image

Springfield, IL

Springfield, IL
gross metro product
median household income
median home price
cost of living
16% below nat'l avg
college attainment
net migration
-330 (year: 2018)
major industries
Government, Health care
As of October 2019
Springfield is widely known as the hometown and resting place of President Abraham Lincoln and subsequently the major tourist attractions featured throughout the town are the many historic sites associated with the sixteenth President of the U.S. The main tourist sites include the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices State Historic Site, Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site and Old State Capitol State Historic Site. Springfield is also home to the Hoogland Center for the Arts which house a number of
live acts such as the Springfield Ballet, Springfield Municipal Opera and a number of touring acts.
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On forbes lists
In Cost of Doing Business
In Job Growth
In Education
By The Numbers
EmploymentHousingEducationQuality of Life
Projected Annual Job Growth
Median Household Income
Household Income Growth
High-Tech Employment
  • Data is for the metro area
  • Sources: Moody's Analytics; Sperling's BestPlaces; U.S. Census.
  • Numbers as of October 2019

  • a - Value of 100 means that a family with the median income has exactly enough income to qualify for a typical mortgage on a median-priced single-family home. An index above 100 signifies that the family has surplus income.
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