Best Places to Retire In Each State 2018

Traverse City, MI

the place image

Traverse City, MI

median home price
As of August 2018
Arts center of 15,000 on bay off Lake Michigan, 250 miles northwest of Detroit. Median home price $248,000. Cost of living at national average. PROS: Doctors per capita above national average. Highly walkable. No state estate/inheritance tax, no state income tax on Social Security earnings, state income tax break on pension income. CONS: Cold winters. NOTED: Elevation 625 feet. Top marginal income tax rate 4.25%. TRIVIA: Area is largest U.S. producer of tart cherries.

More on Forbes

Aug 28, 2018

The Best Places To Retire In Each State

Most of those who move in retirement chose to stay within the same state. In recognition of that fact, Forbes has developed its first-ever list of the best two places to retire in each of the 50 states.