Key points

An image of a triangle. Each of the three interior angles are labelled, A, B and C. Written below: A plus B plus C equals one hundred and eighty degrees.
Image caption,
Interior angles in a triangle add up to 180˚.
  • All have interior angles. The number of angles is equal to the number of sides it has.

  • have three sides, therefore they have three angles. Interior angles in a triangle sum to a half turn (180˚).

  • Interior angles in an are equal. Base interior angles in an are equal.

  • have four sides and four angles. Interior angles in a quadrilateral sum to a full turn (360˚).

An image of a triangle. Each of the three interior angles are labelled, A, B and C. Written below: A plus B plus C equals one hundred and eighty degrees.
Image caption,
Interior angles in a triangle add up to 180˚.
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Watch the video to learn how it is possible to prove mathematically that the angle sum of every triangle is 180°.

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Angles in a complete turn and angles in triangles

A complete turn is a 360˚ rotation.

  • To find unknown angles in a complete turn:

    1. Add the known angles.

    2. Form an equation equal to 360˚.

    3. Subtract the sum of the known angles from the sum of a complete turn (360˚).

Triangles have three interior angles. They are formed at the vertices (corners).

  • The sum of these angles is 180˚.

  • In , each angle is a different size because each side is a different length.

  • To find the missing angles in a triangle:

    1. Add the known angles.

    2. Subtract the sum of the known angles from the sum of interior angles in a triangle (180˚).


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, An image of a horizontal line. The left end of the line is marked with a point. An arc with a clockwise arrow shows a complete turn. It is labelled as three hundred and sixty degrees. Written above: A complete turn. The arc is coloured orange., A complete turn is 360˚.


Find the size of the missing angle, \(a\).

An image of a triangle. Each of the three interior angles are labelled, sixty degrees, forty degrees and a.

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Interior angles of equilateral and isosceles triangles

The sum of interior angles in a triangle is 180˚.

  • In an equilateral triangle, all three angles are equal to 60˚.

  • To find the missing angles in an equilateral triangle, divide the sum of interior angles in a triangle by 3

  • In an isosceles triangle, two of the sides are equal.

  • This means two of the angles are equal. These are the base angles.

  • The base angles are opposite the equal sides.


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 9, An image of an equilateral triangle. Hatch marks are drawn in the midpoint of each side. Arcs are drawn in each angle. Written above: Equilateral triangle., An equilateral triangle has three equal sides. This is shown by the hatch marks on each side. This means that the three angles will also be equal.


Find the size of the missing angle, \(x\).

An image of an isosceles triangle. Two of the interior angles are labelled, fifty six degrees and x. There are hatches on the two sides that meet at the angle marked fifty six degrees.

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Interior angles in quadrilaterals

  • The sum of interior angles in a quadrilateral is 360˚.

  • In a square or rectangle, each interior angle is 90˚.

  • In irregular quadrilaterals, each angle is a different size.

  • To find a missing angle in an irregular quadrilateral:

    1. Add the known angles.

    2. Subtract the sum of the known angles from the sum of interior angles in a quadrilateral (360˚).


Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, An image of a square and an irregular quadrilateral. In the square each angle has been marked as a right-angle, ninety degrees. Written below: four multiplied by ninety degrees equals three hundred and sixty degrees. In the irregular quadrilateral each of the four interior angles are labelled, sixty eight degrees, one hundred and eighteen degrees, ninety four degrees and eighty degrees. Written above: sixty eight degrees plus one hundred and eighteen degrees plus ninety four degrees plus eighty degrees equals three hundred and sixty degrees., A quadrilateral has 4 angles. If the quadrilateral is irregular, all the angles are different.


Find the size of the missing angle, \(x\).

An image of an irregular quadrilateral. Each of the four interior angles are labelled, one hundred degrees, ninety five degrees, sixty degrees and x.

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Practise finding angles in triangles and quadrilaterals


Practise finding angles in triangles and quadrilaterals with this quiz. You may need a pen and paper to help you with your answers.

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Game - Divided Islands

Divided Islands. game

Use your maths skills to help the islanders of Ichi build bridges and bring light back to the islands in this free game from BBC Bitesize.

Divided Islands
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