Red Banana For Weight Loss: 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Red Banana On Empty Stomach Daily

Red Banana For Weight Loss: 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Red Banana On Empty Stomach Daily
Red Banana For Weight Loss: 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Red Banana On Empty Stomach Daily

Look into the amazing advantages of adding red bananas to your everyday meals, preferably on an empty stomach.

Written by Ankit Kumar |Updated : March 24, 2024 12:34 PM IST

Red Banana benefits: A lot of healthy stuff is wrapped in Red bananas like Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and antioxidants, rich in fiber, and low in calories. All its nutrients make it a super healthy meal that is flexible as a meal, snack, or even dessert. Eating red bananas daily is a healthy practice and can help you to keep your digestion and heart in good shape.

Benefits of eating Red bananas: Do you have any idea about how many types of bananas exist in the world? No! There are more than a thousand types of bananas consisting of many healthy nutrients and waiting to get into your plate. Red banana is one of them, with a sweet taste like raspberries mostly found in Southeast Asia. Red bananas boost your immune system and make your digestion better without adding extra burden on your wallet, as it is easily affordable. This article delves into details of how red bananas benefit the human body.

6 Unknown Benefits of Red Banana

From promoting overall well-being to managing blood pressure and diabetes, Let's focus on the nutritional value of red bananas and its 6 unknown benefits.

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Nutritional Value Per 100 grams
Calorie 90 Kcal
protein1.1 gm
Potassium350 mg
Phosphorus22 mg
Fiber2.6 mg
Vitamin B913.6mg
Calcium5 mg
Sodium1.3 mg
Vitamin C5mg
Calcium8.7 mg

Immunity Booster

Rich properties like magnesium and potassium of reb banana help to calm blood pressure and keep the blood vessels relaxed. Vitamin C in red bananas is a key for boosting immunity. Vitamin C is considered vital to boost body immunity and produce collagen to keep your skin healthy. With its diverse effects, it is clear there are various health benefits of red bananas and a must to have in your diet.

Red Banana To Support Healthy Eye

Carotenoids in red bananas give them their red peel which promotes eye health. Carotenoids known as lutein and beta carotene also help to prevent age-related issues like macular degeneration. Some studies have found incorporating lutein-rich foods can reduce the risk of AMD by 25 per cent. Beta-carotene in red bananas supports eye health better than any other fruit.

Energy Advocate

Natural sugar like fructose, sucrose, and glucose in it offers an instant and sustained boost to energy. The combination of fast and slow burning of sugar can be used as a perfect pre-workout snack for pushing some extra pounds in the gym.

Red Banana for Weight Loss

Red bananas are a great choice to lose some extra weight. High fiber properties and vital nutrients add healthiness to your diet. Red bananas contain low fat and very few calorie counts that keep you full for long and restrict any scope of overeating. Additionally, the fiber in red bananas reduces inflammation and lowers the chance of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Enhances Mood

Red bananas are rich in Vitamin B6 which helps in the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that boosts mood and can help relieve symptoms of depression.

Prevent Chronic Disease

Like many fruits and vegetables, red bananas are also packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells from getting damaged by a molecule called free radicals. Free Radical causes stress that can affect heart health, diabetes, and cancer. Red bananas combat oxidative stress and support overall health.

Why should you have Red bananas in your diet?

Temperatures are rising as summer is on the door. It is a good idea to switch your diet to beat the heat and adding red bananas for that is a smart move. They are super healthy and affordable packed with 11 minerals, 6 Vitamins, and plenty of beneficial carbohydrates. While many folks are not aware of the benefits of red bananas in summer, this article tried to make them understand some unknown benefits of the red fruit.